Emmalina Vanguard

Emmalina is a member of House Vanguard, she is known to be the opposite of her quiet sister Leia Vanguard, she is loud and loves the centre of attention. Emmalina has grown to love the riches that comes with being part of a noble house and has amassed a large, expensive and vibrant jewellery collection. Many look at her in awe during her public appearances as she is generally covered in unique and rare gemstones. She constantly boasts about her jewels claiming she knows where each came from.  
"See uncle I don’t wait for a great moment to wear nice jewellery, every moment I step on to the stone pavement of the street is a great moment to me and surely to these average folk. Every piece tells a story you know? This emerald was apparently extracted on the gemstone coasts of The Reelonain Constellation, four men died getting it back to the Isles and thats why I must continue to wear it! The emerald keeps they're memories alive."
Long, Light Brown


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