Encumbrance and Weight

A character is capable of holding two times their strength score, for example: A strength score of five allows a player to hold ten pounds worth of weaponry.   A character is capable of holding five potions at any given time, this amount can be increased with the use of pouches and other similar carry devices.   A Character can hold 15 miscellaneous items at all times, if they wish to hold more an item will take 1 lb within their bag etc.   Wood Weapon Weights:   Simple Melee:  
  • Club: 2lb.
  • Dagger: 1 lb.
  • Greatclub: 10 lb.
  • Handaxe: 2 lb.
  • Javelin: 2 lb.
  • Hand Hammer: 2 lb.
  • Mace: 4 lb.
  • Quarterstaff: 4 lb.
  • Sickle 2 lb.
  • Spear: 3 lb.
  Simple Ranged Weapons:  
  • Light Crossbow: 5 lb.
  • Shortbow: 2 lb.
  Standard Melee Weapons:  
  • Battleaxe: 4 lb.
  • Flail: 2 lb.
  • Glaive: 6 lb.
  • Greataxe: 7 lb.
  • Greatsword: 6 lb.
  • Halberd: 6 lb.
  • Lance: 6 lb.
  • Longsword: 3 lb.
  • Maul: 10 lb.
  • Morningstar: 4 lb.
  • Pike: 18 lb.
  • Rapier: 2 lb.
  • Scimitar: 3 lb.
  • Shortsword: 2 lb.
  • Trident: 4 lb.
  • War Pick: 2 lb.
  • Warhammer: 2 lb.
  • Whip: 3 lb.
  Standard Ranged Weapons:  
  • Hand Crossbow: 3 lb.
  • Heavy Crossbow: 18 lb.
  • Longbow: 5 lb.
  • Net: 3 lb.
  Weight Addition of Superior Materials:  
  • Bone: +1 lb.
  • Stone: +2 lb.
  • Iron: +5 lb.
  • Steel: +3 lb.
  • Tungsten: +6 lb.
  • Titanium: +4 lb.
  • Platinum: +8 lb.
  • Gemstone: +5 lb.
  • Refined Granite: +10 lb.
  • Refined Quartz: +10 lb.
  • Obsidian: +8 lb.
  • Dragon Fire Steel: +7 lb.
  • Reelonian Plutonium: +23 lb.
  • Small Shield: 6 lb.
  • Long Shield: 14 lb.
  Carry Amounts of Items:  
  • Satchel: -4 lb.
  • Leather Carry Bag (Standard): -7 lb.
  • Leather Carry Bag (Large): -16 lb.
  • Leather Backpack (Standard): -14 lb.
  • Leather Backpack (Large): -30 lb.
  • Pouches: +2 Potions (Max 4 Pouches)
  • Utility Belts: +2 Pouches
  • Weapon Sheaths: Half Weapons Weight
  • Quiver: Holds 30 Arrows


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