Precedence Omega

In the celestial expanse of the ethereal realm, where angels soared on wings of light and righteousness, one figure stood out as a force of both awe and trepidation – Precedence Omega, the warrior angel. Born from the divine sparks of creation itself.   Capable of reaching incredible speeds through the air, Precedence Omega's abilities were intertwined with a solemn and poignant ritual. After battles against the forces of darkness and malevolence, where her fellow angelic companions would fall in the line of duty, their feathered wings would be left behind as a testament to their sacrifice. Precedence Omega, driven by her unyielding devotion to the celestial cause, would gather these sacred feathers, imbuing them with her own fervour and determination.   As she captured the feathers of her fallen comrades, a profound connection formed between their essences and her being. The feathers absorbed the energy of valour, sacrifice, and camaraderie, becoming conduits of both power and memory. When Precedence Omega fastened these enchanted plumes to her own wings, an ethereal transformation would overtake her. Her luminous form would radiate with a resplendent light, her eyes gleaming with the reflections of countless battles fought side by side with those she had lost.   With her newly empowered wings, Precedence Omega would take to the skies with unparalleled swiftness. She became a celestial blur, streaking across the heavens like a comet of vengeance. Her movements were a symphony of grace and aggression, an embodiment of her unwavering commitment to justice. Guided by her indomitable will, she sought out the malevolent entities that threatened the celestial harmony, determined to purge the cosmos of their presence.   In her hand, Precedence Omega wielded a holy lance – a weapon forged from the very essence of the ethereal realm. Infused with the righteousness of ages and sanctified by the tears of angels, the lance became an extension of her will, capable of piercing even the most impervious of demonic defences. With every strike, she released the pent-up anger and grief that had been ignited within her, her fury manifesting in each divine thrust.   However, as Precedence Omega's quest for vengeance blazed forth, her actions began to stir unease among her fellow celestial beings. The ethereal realm was a domain of balance and order, where the angels were tasked with upholding justice without succumbing to the temptations of wrath. Precedence Omega's all-consuming thirst for retribution threatened to disrupt that delicate equilibrium, risking the very essence of what they were meant to protect.   As rumours of her relentless pursuit spread among the ethereal ranks, debates ignited. Some saw her as a righteous avenger, embodying the raw emotions of loss and determination that drove them all. Others viewed her actions as a dangerous overreach, a step towards the precipice of darkness that the celestial realm had sworn to guard against.
Long, Black


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