

Rockpommel was a famous alchemist and tobacconist, who in his quest to create the most pleasurable smoking experience known to man or beast, was said to have created thousands of pipes which he transformed into strange and wonderful things using alchemy. Legend has it that in his failure to create the perfect pipe-smoking experience, he exploded into a rage and scattered his pipes across the world in frustration and he himself disappeared, leaving behind 1007 Rockpommel Pipes strewn across the world. Only around 600 hundred have ever been found, the others are lost, hidden, or are the stuff of myth and do not exist. The Pipes are considered sacred items to alchemists around the world, who will pay handsomely for them, as each was smoked by Rockpommel himself. The myth says that some of the pipes hold magic properties, a consequence of Rockpommels experiments with alchemy and weirding ways of ancient religious sects who he sought out when conventional alchemy failed him. One pipe was found around a hundred years ago, made from sapphire and obelstone, that gives the smoker night vision.


The legend of Rockpommel is famous amongst alchemist and tobacconists around the realm, however not a commoners story.

Variations & Mutation

Many say that the remaining pipes are stored at a small island in The Reelonain Constellation, famously named Rockpommel's island.
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Sep 4, 2021 10:51

A simple but fun myth that allows for some interesting items. I think a good way to expand this is maybe to give us a list of found pipes and any magical properties they possess. Perhaps a few legends of around the region with encounters of Rockpommel and what he did making him famous.   Maybe he made a pipe for a king, maybe stopped a conflict by talking with somebody over a good pipe. Small stuff that expands the rumours and tales of him.