Whore Curse

In the four known continents, sexually transmitted diseases are common and easily treatable by almost anyone. However things become more complicated when an individual contracts the virus strain known as "Whore Curse." The disease is simply a dormant strain that is symptomless until its genetic ability allows it to combine with other sex related diseases to create a new strand. This new strand, a chimeric one, is the actual pathogenic virus.


When infected with a combined strain, a creature presents with both symptoms of the two races, a carrier is capable of contracting the symptoms of every race.


To diagnose this disease, a professional or experienced person is required. Anyone proficient with Medicine can quite easily determine that an individual is infected after conducting a few tests. To confirm the diagnosis without a doubt, the infected has to admit to coming in contact with another race sexually, this often causes some to refuse treatment as they don't want to be a subject of shame.   Symptoms manifest one day after the transmission and can last various times, sometimes not leaving the infected system until treated. It is curable if the right person is approached, clerics who have experience can easily rid the disease or usually five days rest can cause the symptoms to evaporate.

Affected Groups

Humans, Dwarfs, Elves, Gnomes and Halflings are all susceptible to the Whore Curse and are at risk when performing sexual acts.


No one can say where a microorganism originated from without touching on belief systems and knowledge that only wizards, biologists and clerics should have access to, and thus, this paragraph is left blank. Common people have been aware of the disease since times long forgotten.
Affected Species


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