
Allerans are the predominant species that live on the the Kingdom of Allera and Phalecia, outnumbering Phalecians by about 3:1. There are roughly 2.7 billion Allerans that currently live in Allera and Phalecia and this number is growing steadily. The amount that live outside of their planet is estimated to be about only 2 million, however this number is actually increasing at a higher rate compared to domestically.   The most common language for any Alleran is Aylaran, which is shared by Allerans and Phalecians. It is also possible to learn other planetary languages, the most common ones being Mirish and Akaddnt. English originally was never a language that Alleran bothered to learn as it wasn't under thewir radar at all, though interest has grown due to humans moving to Allera and vice versa, which has encouraged friendly interactions between The Kingdom of Allera and Phalecia and Earth.  


For an idea of the average Alleran proportions, see below.  
Typical proportions for an Alleran civilian
  In comparison to a human, Allerans are a lot taller - the height of an Alleran can vary greatly depending on the lineage of the family and any crossbreeding with other species, but the majority of Allerans range from around 6ft 5 (1.9558 meters) to 7ft 5 (2.2606 meters) though the tallest Alleran recorded in at 20ft due to a overproduction of growth hormones. A lot of them possess extremely large hips, asses and legs, which is imperative to the way they sustain themselves on their planet. Some other aspects of their bodies which can also be well endowed are their breasts and arms but this varies from being to being. It is also important to note that the concept of gender doesn't exist in Allera due to their ability to mix their genes with other species, however to humans, Allerans generally appear female. There are several notable exceptions to this rule due to interspecies breeding (see Theodore).   Typically, hair grows a lot quicker, and so it's not usual to see thigh length or even ankle length hair, though most tend to hold their hair up to avoid getting shit in it.   When it comes to colours, there is a large variety due to crossbreeding:
  • There are 11 common skin colours. Skin colour can also change along the hands and feet, such as turning a lighter or darker colour. Freckles tend to be most prominent on the lightest and darkest skin tones due to contrasting pigment colours. Some skin colours are much more common when an Alleran is from a particular country, such as dark red for Azar and Teal for Nuol
  • Hair colours vary even more. Theoretically, an Alleran can have any hair colour, though black, red, blue and grey/white are the most common
  One final notable feature they have is their extremely large and vivid schlera which encompass their entire eyeball, which are multicolored unless concealed.  




Allerans are extremely durable, being able to tank falls from multiple story building without sustaining nmuch, if any damage. They are also extremely strong. The theory is that the skeleton of an Alleran is a lot thicker and their joints are less susceptible to weakness.


An Alleran eyes function more like camera lenses, which gives them the ability have to zoom in and out of a particular point when concentrating. This effect is reverted when they blink or lose focus.

Smell, Taste and Consumption

Many ask about how Allerans smell the world around them, considering their lifestyles. Surprisingly enough, Allerans have a great sense of smell. A portion of their sense of smell is also within their mouth. An Alleran's most efficient way to take in a surrounding is through eating items. Their digestive tracts will behave in particular ways depending on what is digested, and this can help identify features in an environment. It's used more often on foreign planets than domestically.  


Only around 22% of Allerans have the ability to grow a fully functional penis, with 0.002% of those being able to grow more than 1. Allerans widely approve reproducting with other species, as Alleran genetics is designed in such a way that it will "override" another species genetics if possible when they produce offspring. The time taken to do this, and whether it is even possible at all, varies between species. In the case of humans, the Alleran gene will remain dormant for a time until a point where a sudden override of the human DNA will occur. This is known as cellular override, and this not only allows them to become a full Alleran, but can also induce or more additional mutations additional mutations which are usually beneficial to the user.   Allerans are pregnant for about 11 and a half months on average. They usually give birth through their own reproductive organs, similar to a human. It is important to note that Allerans and Phalecians can produce offspring with more than two of them


Note: The rate of growth mirrors Phalecian growth. The average life expectancy for an Alleran is currently 207-220 human years. They tend to grow at a similar rate to a human up to the age of between 20-22 where they reach adulthood. After this, their bodies develop even further until the Alleran reaches about 55-65. This is the stage where their physical features can grow even more. Once this is complete, it is around this point where an Alleran reaches their peak adulthood, and will remain at this stage until around 160-180. After this, they go into their elderly years. Generally, Allerans do not lose a significant amount of strength or durability purely due to age, so it's not uncommon to still see them being active throughout their elderly life.   From about 35-45 onwards, Allerans with a womb can get pregnant and give birth, even when they are older. The risk of complications increases substantially from about 170 onwards though.  


Please note that the behaviours listed below are a generalisation and do not to ALL Allerans!
  • Competitions, sports and fights are extremely common and well loved in Allera - not many will turn down a good brawl! It's not unusual to see disagreements being settled through throwing hands.
  • Talking to strangers is pretty normal overall. At the bar, while doing your business. Typical private questions are also not off the table unless the person has declined to answer
  • Family units involve an entire village working together to raise everyone's children. In most cases the doors are just left open and youf reely walk in and out