
Phalecians are the second most dominant species on the planet, with about 1 billion of them living on the planet. The estimated number of Phalecians who have travelled elsewhere is estimated at about 10 million.   The most common language for any Phalecian is Aylaran, which is shared by Allerans and Phalecians. The common languages outside of this are Pgnorme, which spoken by roughly 65% of Phalecians domestically. It's quite rare to hear English or Mirish outside of their capital cities, which isn't usually a problem as most tourists either keep to the main cities or go to more remote areas with a guide.  


An idea of the average Phalecian proportions is shown below  
Phalecians have been getting taller in the past thousand and a half years, however they still only measure up to between 6ft 5 (1.9558 meters) and 7ft (2.1336 meters). This number doesn't include external factors such as breeding with other species or the environment of other planets. Most possess extremely large hips, asses and legs, which is imperative to the way they sustain themselves on their planet. It is important to note here that due to further interspecies reproduction, this general rule has significantly more exceptions than in the past 800 years Their dicks are also large even when flaccid, but their full size can usually only be seen once erect. Phalecians tend to remain pear-shaped, but they can bulk up the top half of their body withenough training.   Just like with Allerans, Phalecian hair grows quicker, however a lot of them keep it short due to personal preference.   When it comes to colours, there is a large variety due to crossbreeding:
  • there are 11 common skin colours. Skin colour can also change along the hands and feet, such as turning a lighter or darker colour. Freckles tend to be most prominent on the lightest and darkest skin tones due to contrasting pigment colours.
  • Hair colours vary even more. Theoretically, a Phalecian can have any hair colour, though black, violet, red, blonde and grey/white are the most common
One final notable feature they have is their extremely large and vivid schlera which encompass their entire eyeball, which are multicolored unless concealed.




Phalecians are extremely durable (similar to Allerans), being able to tank falls from multiple story building without sustaining nmuch, if any damage. They are also extremely strong. The theory is that the skeleton of an Phalecian is a lot thicker and their joints are less susceptible to weakness.  


A Phalecian's most efficient way to take in a surrounding is through touching items, as well as running them along their bodies.  


Phalecians themselves can't give birth, however they are extremely virile. To date, there is only three recorded species that Phalecians cannot breed with, despite thee vast amount of similarities between the two species. The reasons for this despite their apparent similarities to Allerans remain unknown, though an existing theory may be that their genes destroy each other due to their abilities to override other DNA.  


Note: The rate of growth mirrors Alleran growth. The average life expectancy for an Phalecian is currently 225-240 human years. They tend to grow at a similar rate to a human up to the age of 20 where they reach adulthood. After this, their bodies develop even further until the Phalecian reaches about  70-80. This is the stage where their physical features can grow even more (e.g. height, hips, legs etc). Once this is complete, it is around this point where an Phalecian reaches their peak adulthood, and will remain at this stage until around 180-200. After this, they go into their elderly years. Generally, Phalecians do not lose strength or durability due to age, so it's not uncommon to still see them being active throughout their elderly life.  


  • Due to touch being an integral part of their senses, tt's one of the main reasons why Phalecian's tend to be very affectionate. that and they also
  • Basic Information

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Phalecians, unlike Allerans, cannot reproduce on their own. Instead, they require other species to breed with them in order to keep their species alive. Their genes will override the genes of the other species within the offspring. Because of this, Phalecians tend to be very confident and highly sexual creatures in order to appeal to other beings.