Elnor Portrain

Practical Elnor Portrain (a.k.a. El)

A stocky man, with a scarred and scowling face. He is happy to talk and offer advice, and equally happy to remain quiet and allow others to speak. Keeps to his own council unless asked. Fiercely loyal to the Cult of Resshe in general and Sarischa in particular, his focus is entirely to enact the will of the Cult and further the aims of his religious superiors.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Broad chested, thick arms and wide shoulders.

Body Features

Stocky, thick fingered. Many scars on face and upper body, especially on his upper back. Hands are likewise scarred and worn with a lifetime of hard work and living.

Facial Features

Flat face, flat nose, broad brows. Face of a brawler. Has resting scowl face.

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoo on his right hand of stylised flame with smoke drifting towards his wrist. Those within the Cult would recognise it as a marker of a Practical, those outside would only recognise it if they are particularly familiar with the Cult.

Physical quirks

Often found with food. Enjoys long walks around perimeters and defensive fortifications of his surroundings. Tends to use a lot of Dunefalli hand gestures when talking with people

Apparel & Accessories

Often dressed in well fitting, fairly severe-looking clothes. Plain but functional and smart. Shoes are the most worn item of clothing, entirely chosen more for comfort and ease of movement, Elnor tends to wear these until they fall off.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A foundling from one of the port cities in Dunefail. Doesn't particularly care for talking about his childhood, but was a member of one of the street gangs that tend to plague drunk or dead sailors in the town. An offer of food and lodging for a few nights in midwinter was enough to overcome his natural paranoia, and Elnor found himself intrigued by these strange men with their strange practices. He was inducted into the initial mysteries of the Cult, and was found to have a natural aptitude for the more... physical aspects of missionary work.

Gender Identity

Entirely disinterested in other genders or sex. If pressed would identify as a male, but largely confused if people try to get more out of him.


Disinterested in the prospect of sex. Not entirely sure why so many others seem obsessed with it.


Elnor is largely literate but not particularly interested in extended reading, education, or philosophy. He understands the general aspects of the religion but is largely content to let those concerned with divine matters to worry about those matters, and prefers to concentrate on the mundane world.


A Practical in the Cult, Elnor is tasked with protecting the Seers while undergoing Dreaming, effecting the will of the Cult and protecting it from its enemies. Some Practicals are functionally armed guards and warriors, others attend to lay duties such as farming and rearing livestock, even carpentry and architecture.

Mental Trauma

A modern view would probably indicate some form of PTSD in Elnor. He has a pathological need to understand the surrounding landscape and physical layout of places he is in, and often wanders hallways and walls and fortifications where he is staying. He rarely sleeps deeply, and usually at stretches of several hours at a time, often sits himself with a back to sturdy walls and facing doorways and entrances. He prefers not to leave himself a single point of ingress or egress.

Intellectual Characteristics

Not particularly interested in academic or philosophical questions, far more interested in practical workings and the mechanics of how things function - some knowledge of carpentry, for example, so he often knows how to repair or even disassemble things like doorways and hinges. Can read, but grows bored fairly easily if presented with long or dense texts.

Morality & Philosophy

Follows the tenets of the Cult rigidly, and does not find it limiting or restrictive. In service to the Cult, as long as and action is not taboo he will happily carry it out. Any taboo actions, for example murder, can be easily rationalised as a necessary action. Doesn't want to carry out these actions in any particular way, rather sees it as a necessary but unpleasant chore.


Follows the taboos and prescriptions of the Cult. Very protective of children.

Personality Characteristics


Fiercely devoted to the Cult, and representatives of the Cult. Sees the Seers as semi-divine figures, while being completely cognisant of their foibles and personal failings.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Can be blunt and easily offensive, but if people listen his advice tends to be decent.

Likes & Dislikes

Particularly fond of cheese, the stronger the better, which was not a common taste when he was growing up and more often comes either by trade down the rivers or from further inland.


Contacts & Relations

Protective of Sarischa as a representative of the Cult, and Elnor's personal charge. Fiercely devoted to the Cult, and deferential to Seers of the Cult. Sees them as important and necessary, but also largely feckless and incapable. He tends to treat them like a governess treats her children, respectfully listens then acts as he feels is necessary for their protection and succour.

Family Ties

No blood relatives he is willing to claim, the Cult is his focus.

Religious Views

Fierce devotee of the Cult of Resshe.

Social Aptitude

A little awkward in social situations, but knows a little of other cultural practices, as experienced in the slums and docks of Dunefail, as well as the basic gleanings from the teachers in the Cult.


Often speaks with hand gestures common in Dunefail. Almost always found munching on some food. Takes quick naps wherever he can and feels it safe for him and Sarischa.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys a pipe when tobacco is available.


Tends course and blunt, but can act as socially necessary when needed - easily slips into mannerisms and speech a manservant to a noble would use.

Wealth & Financial state

Functionally penniless. Some discretionary funds of his own but mainly relies on the largesse of the Cult.

Former street tough taken in by Cult of Resshe. Lanky, scarred face, short cut hair and mutton chops. Tends to stare, crooked mouth, missing pinky on left hand.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Practical of the Cult of Resshe
Dark brown, almost black iris
red headed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and scarred
Known Languages
Dunefalli, with a smattering of other languages mainly from the sailors who passed through his birth place. A commanding and extensive knowledge of swearwords in many languages, especially particularly offensive ones.