Resshe, the Golden Prophet

The Seers of Dunefalle claim to see a strange figure when they are in the height of their drug-fuelled trances, one that speaks to the and offers them visions. This is Resshe, the Golden Prophet, a daemon who dabbles in foretellings and hidden knowledge. It is rumoured that only they can see the true weavings of the Red Sisters. Her followers are often gaunt and malnourished, foregoing food and drink to subsist purely on Dreamsmoke  and the visions provided by the Prophet.  
  • — Spend a PP to learn of an object or person’s immediate future, just by touching them.
  • — Spend a PP to foresee your opponent’s next move in combat; remove the highest rolling die from their next roll.
  • — Spend a PP to act on your visions of the future and reroll your entire pool, minus any Hitches.
  • — Spend a House PP to conduct a grand rite of foretelling before they take action. They may reroll all dice on the next roll the make, minus any Hitches.
  • — Spend a PP to gain a vision that leads you into a scene you wouldn’t normally be a part of.
  • — Spend a PP and step up your Physical Stress by one as you abstain from food and drink for the following day and night; clear your Mental Stress.
  Sample Debts
  • D6 Espouse the visions of Resshe to a small crowd of unbelievers
  • D8 Carve a shrine to Resshe and raise it in a public place
  • D10 Conduct a vision ceremony. Convert an important figure to the ways of Resshe.
  • D12 Wear a blinding cowl during a battle or state function of great import
  Those damned by Resshe will begin to see visions even when not under the effects of the dreamsmoke, and will have trouble discerning reality from dreams. Those Claimed by Resshe are given the great gift of Resshe’s Ultimate Revelation. They never wake from this dream.

Divine Domains

Sight, Prophecy, Dreams, Fire, Smoke
Divine Classification