Guiding Spire: Clerestory
This room surprisingly is locked (DC 18). Inside are ceramic containers of frankincense, Mur, Distilled oil. Several Bronze Braziers and four curved mirrors. There are several other bits and tools, enough to repair and keep The Guiding Spire lit for a fortnight. The value of the materials is 700 gp with over half dedicated to the incense material that is still viable. If the players choose to, they can spend an hour installing the mirrors and replacing the braziers. During the day with the mirrors installed, there is a soft glow about the capstone. In one container are 30 fat, foot tall woven sticks. 15 are smoke sticks. The other 15 are special sparkle smoke sticks. Both have a duration of 8 hours. When placed at the bottom of the obelisk, it creates a light smoke that covers the whole column and up to a hundred feet into the sky.
Room, Religious, Clerestory
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