Prouxau (Pro-hau)

Located away from the main settled areas of the wider Skeuriuren region, Prouxau is one of the more prominent Ghilzai settlements located south of Skeuriur. It can take at least a month or more travel by land to reach Prouxau from Skeuriur and a few weeks by boat. Even by the Ghilzai's own reckoning, Prouxau is a peripheral port. And yet it is known and a common port of call for many wishing to travel from the Southlands north to Skeuriur and Enxe proper. Located at the mouth of one of the few rivers on the Sunrise Coast, Prouxau (and its neighboring region) is a fantastic place to farm and fishing has always been good off its coast. The majority of the settlement's populace make their living via subsistence farming, fishing or light mining of ores that can be found in the nearby lowland hills. The only major landmarks in the town are: the Temple (for all gods in the Kingdom), the market and the Tax Office (which has frequently been understaffed or left unstaffed due to the lack of taxes in the town).   Prouxau has always existed in some form, mostly as a small collection of storage and trading posts for the nearby farmers to trade their produce with the nomad bands and, more recently, merchant ships seeking a port. Prouxau saw its first truly large boost in population after a famous general of the Royal Army, General Arehnos, chose to settle there in retirement at a farm he purchased. But while many sought to live alongside the famous general, others preferred the more well established towns around Skeuriur. For Prouxau is a dot on the coast, surrounded only by farms, grazing land and wild plain. Beyond the good fish, grain and extremely pleasant climate, few from the heartlands choose to settle in little Prouxau.
Pronunciation Guide
Skeuriuren: Skew-ri-oo-ren
Prouxau: pro-hau or pro-chau (ch like Scottish loch)
Skeuriur: Skew-ri-ur
Ghilzai: gil-zay (rhymes with eye)
Enxe: en-he
Arehnos: ar-e-nos


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