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Dog the Third (Jake)

Sir Dog the Third (Jake)

Dog was but a simple dog for the majority of their life, living a pleasant life of peace and calm. This was up until a unholy beings awakened around the village he lived in and began to devour and kill everyone he loved. Dog watched as the unholy closed in around him and his family, until suddenly a divine light arose around him (Was meant to hit the humans he was with but the sun god missed and accidentally blessed him instead). Dog found himself standing on two feet with the power of the light in his palms. He smited the fiends with his fists and saved his family. The few other villagers that survived the attack recognized the emblem now carved into his armor as the symbol of the CULT OF THE SUN. Members of the cult that saw the light came a day later and explained that this...Dog...had somehow gained a large sum of power and sentience despite his poor intelligence and thus had a choice. Dog could either help the cult and prevent more people being killed by the monsters, or live a peaceful life with his newfound sentience. Dog left his family in hopes of protecting others. He then looked up and saw his savior, the sun, THE BIGGEST BALL EVER! Dog realized the quest he had been given and promised himself to purge these monsters and find a way to touch the sun itself and play with this giant ball in the sky. He boarded a ship the cult owned and sailed towards the horizon in search of people to protect. Aboard the ship he learned how to smith and realized how cool making weapons was. He now searches the realm to protect people from these unholy entities and find a way to get to space to chew on the sun.

Personality Characteristics


To chew on the big ball in the sky and kill unholy monsters.

Vices & Personality flaws

Talks exclusively in third person. Also extremely weak to belly rubs, scratching that one spot behind the ear, and rubber balls. Also extremely stupid.

Personality Quirks

Loyal AF Playful


Contacts & Relations

The Sun Family The Cult
Lawful Good
Yellow (covers body)
6 ft
130 lbs


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