Kieran Locksley

Kieran Locksley

She pretended so much she forgot who she was.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin but lean, willowy

Facial Features

soft curious looking large almond eyes framed by contrastingly short lashes, long nose to match a longer oval shaped face, soft jaw line contrasted with prominent cheek and brow bones, she has a thin face (some would call her malnourished), color tattooed on her eyes and lips (green on eyes and pink on lips), dimples appear when she smiles (which is rare, no smile lines), slight bags under the eyes (usually concealed but still slightly present),

Identifying Characteristics

amber eyes

Apparel & Accessories

usually wearing a white laced up tunic with a green skirt and belt, gold and silver earrings

Mental characteristics

Personal history

To start my name is Kieran Locksley and this is my story. I figure writing this down in full might help me figure out a little bit more about this life that I live, or survive in anyways. I was born in Trelovia, a border nation between the elven and human nations, it’s small, unheard of other than the fact that you have to pass through it to get to the city of Reigknoch (the royal elven city in case you didn’t know). Anyways, I was born into a family of servants who served the elven royalty. My mother was a seamstress and my step-father was a cobbler. I never met my step-father, not that I remember anyways. My real father was one of the Elven princes (the third son Gaemon) who had an affair with my mother. My mother tried to hide the fact that i was a half elf from my step father but when he inevitably found out (I don’t look 1000% human you know) he raged and left when I was three. I heard stories about him from my siblings (who were my mother and step fathers children) although my mother never spoke of him. While she never told me I suspect that she blames me for his disappearance. My mother raised me with a firm hand and a strict tongue, everything had to be done correctly the first time and no questions were to be asked. I knew I didn’t belong in that family, not that that feeling has ever really changed but at the time I didn’t know what to do about it. My siblings treated me like the runt of the pack and often played tricks on me. My real sister I met when I was 13. I worked assisting my mother in the sewing shop when an Elven princess came in for measurements. Her name was Lyria. She looks little like me but her eyes were the same as mine, amber. All elves are born with distinctly colored eyes, a similar shade as their parents but the same shade as their sibling, I inherited this from my true father I came to realise. The moment she saw me she knew and basically tackled me to the ground. She explained everything within five minutes (she speaks at an unimaginable speed). If i had to use three words to describe her they would be hyper optimistic and kind. She came to visit me everyday, I was the only family she had left. I learned Gaemon (my real father) after finding out I had been born fled to the gloom to avoid scrutiny and when her mother found out she left a few days later to find him. She never came back. My mother hardly noticed I was gone for long hours of the day as long as I did the work I was supposed to. Lyria decided that we should go and find our father in the gloom. I was convinced this was a bad idea, but after months of convincing me how wonderful life would be once I left my (what she called oppressive) mother and family behind and found my who she believed would be a loving father. I never believed that he would love me, I just wanted to know what would be so shameful about me that he had to leave everything, even his own other daughter behind. We left on night in the summer bringing nothing but ourselves and the shirts (or in her case silk dresses) on our backs. We traveled halfway to Corvan, a huge city bordering the gloom, when Lyria began to feel sick. We didn't have any food so we just ate whatever we found on the road which often included berries from the woods. I assumed it’s one of these berries that made her fall so ill. She has fevers, chills, stomach sickness and every other symptom imaginable, she told me to go on without her, but I couldn’t go and leave her to die. I ended up becoming ill as well, and we were found by travelers on the side of the road, her dead and me in terrible condition. I woke up in a small hut in Corvan crushed with the loss of my sister. I wouldn’t eat or sleep. I just sat there in silence. On the 10th day I met the owner of the home, Torian. Torian is the dwarf that found me on the side of the road and apparently nursed me back to health. He said that while I was mostly recovered I would never be able to heal completely, that my body would be weak and frail as long as I lived. He explained that I owed him because he saved me and that I would have to make money for him. I asked him how and he explained that I would pretend to be the lost princess Lyria (by wearing her dress he had cleaned from the side of the road) and convince people that if they returned me home I could make them rich. I would then ask them to take me out for a meal, spike their drinks and take all the money they had on them and bring that back to him, the person I had tricked would then be “taken care of” by others in his organized crime syndicate so the word would never get out. I did this for five years until it became my daily routine, I lost all parts of myself and became a caricature of my sister. Then one day I ran into Delaney. Delaney was a male human charlatan who immediately saw through my disguise, just as easily as I saw through his. When we first met he attempted to slip me a sleeping pill to take my dress and sell it for money, but I knew that trick all too well. I switched the drinks and took him back to the small loft I was living in where I planned to make him explain how he knew I was a con artist. Instead of doing that he offered me a proposal, we could work together and con people for our own profit since he thought I was particularly good at it. I agreed and ran away to the nearby city of Hawthorn, a mainly human city where apparently he grew up. Delaney made me feel like me again even as I played the role of my sister in the daytime. He was an endless flirt although I never could tell if he meant it, I hoped he did. I slowly started to open up to him about my past and he was an excellent listener. I felt like I belonged, he was my home. He taught me many important skills like magic and how to use weapons, he’s what made me the ranger I am today. We lived together for 2 years, but were only ever friends. Of course nothing good ever lasts. Torian’s contacts had found us and I came home to find Delaney bleeding out of the floor. I tried to heal him with every spell I had but he died in my arms. The last word he ever said to me was run. So run I did. I was convinced that I would live my life on the run that everyone I met I would let down, that they would die and it would be my fault. I decided to flee to the gloom to restart the task of finding my father so I could tell him I was sorry for what happened to Lyria, to give him her dress, after that I planned to return to Torian to pay my dues and hopefully die a swift painless death. There I met Uma, a half orc horizon walker who believed that the best way to fight evil was to help those who needed it and to defeat its origin, or the moonsters in the gloom. She began by leaving food on the street for me in the same spot every day, I had no money and a pretty dress would get me killed in the gloom instead of earn me money. Wanting to know who was helping me and why I waited by that spot one night and saw Uma. She saw the weapons I was carrying and though it would be a good idea if I joined her party to hunt these evil monsters, she explained she would give me all the food I wanted if I did. Starving as I was and knowing I needed food to fuel my frail body I agreed. Uma and I became close although I never told her anything about my past, I put my walls up and I was convinced this would keep her from getting hurt. She convinced me life was worth living that having a purpose could save you. I made mine like hers, to prevent anyone from getting hurt. After a year I decided I couldn’t spend anymore time with the gloom, that it was time to move on with my life so I returned to the regular world and began to travel becoming a charlatan again to survive. When life gets to hard however I drink to forget.

Gender Identity



Pretty straight but honestly who needs relationships they just lead to hurt.


I can steal and con and fight and forage somewhat, I think that's all I need


my resume looks quite bad with syndicates and all so I mean who would hire me

Accomplishments & Achievements

well I've survived up until now, I talked my way out of death, and kidnapped someone.

Failures & Embarrassments

I kidnapped someone Also the fact that lots of people die around me I don't know if its because of me but I just it probably has something to do with me. In general I'm bad luck. not being able to pickpocket roxas.

Mental Trauma

-Lillian dying -having to pretend to be Lillian -Delaney dying -being on the run -monsters in the gloom

Intellectual Characteristics

I've been told I have "little common sense" I say I will do what is right and what is required to live my life

Morality & Philosophy

No one should get hurt because of my actions or because I didn't help them


relationships, oh dear god

Personality Characteristics


To make sure no one gets hurt and to further herself to be able to live comfortably and to the fullest.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

I am GREAT at lying and talking my way out of things I am not at all good at expressing my emotions aka I bottle up until I explode

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: most everything really, human company, drinks, thrills, woods, traveling Dislikes: arrogance, corruption, authority

Virtues & Personality perks

Loves to help others Isn't afraid to go for what she wants Driven and pasionate

Vices & Personality flaws

Doesn't know how to comfort or express emotions to others very well Impulsive Always sees the most complicated way to do everything Fragile self identity

Personality Quirks

talks in circles quite a bit


very good, I live for the mantra my body is a temple

A feisty VERY IMPULSIVE half elf who has a habit for coming up with reckless ideas. She has had a hard past that has shaped her to believe the world is out to get her. Her main goal is to make sure no on gets hurt.

Current Location
Lancaster for now
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
17th of Cordelia in 857
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
a light walnut color
155 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
I wish
Known Languages
dwarvish elvish common


Well it's been a pretty long couple of days and since you already basically hold all my personal information well I guess I'll begin explaining the rest to you.   It starts obviously where we left off, more specifically traveling as Lillian. I stumbled upon a group of travelers, a half orc, half elf and human and did the usual I'm lost can you help me out routine yada yada yada. I planned to pickpocket one of them with the usual "oh no I the pretty princess tripped come help me" but that didn't go well at all. (Note to self: Lucius is not a big fan of touch??) These complete strangers treated me like a normal person and had no suspicion of me at all it seemed (how naive). I don't remember this next bit quite so clearly but it was then that I met Roxas. I will refer to him as "that one" throughout this well for lack of a better word story. As I was talking to that one he made some kind of jeer or insult which I now believes sums up his entire personality (making insults) , other than stealing of course (note to self: never let Roxas read this). We or more like they decided to continue to the near by town of Lancaster where we saw a young girl being accosted by some boys. The rest of them didn't seem to notice which disturbed me somewhat. No one should be left to fend for themselves, so I mentioned it and we all went over. Anvar, the half orc (note: he has an AX HAND but despite this is very kind) proceeded to pick up the ring leader as the others scattered off. I would later come to despise this brat named Darren Snowberry. We will refer to him as the brat throughout (names carry to much power for him and that one). He talked of his family and his prestige and Anvar very clearly told him to leave the girl alone. When he stalked (the correct worded is moped rather) off Lucius (the other half elf) went to comfort t he sobbing tiefling where we learned that these boys had been a problem for her for some time. I had half a mind to find them all and give them a proper lesson right then and there but that would not fit at all with my outlook so I continued in my charade for the moment. The strangers were so kind to another person again not just helping her but helping her find her way home safely. I've never seen anyone act so selfless before. At least other than Delaney and Uma. They crossed my mind many times throughout this journey as I found their qualities in the eyes of what I hope to call my friends. (Though to be fair there isn't a day I don't think of them. Delaney especially. I just hope my presence doesn't bring any harm to these people like they brought to him, though given how I failed the Snowberries I am unsure. I see Delaney in that one especially, though to be fair I liked Delaney from the start and that one is well as the rest of my life a bit complicated). The tiefling explained she had a master and immediately my mind flew back to my time in servitude, I was afraid it was a similar situation but decided I shouldn't interfere, better not to blow my cover I thought. When they brought her to her master for fear I stayed outside, but the voices I heard were calm and soft nothing like the mob so I decided to step inside. The place was covered in potions and I was in awe. Strife's master turned out to be the brew master of this area named Holga, she too was kind but quite overpriced her potions. As such it was only right to take some. It appears however that in the party I have come across only one enjoys stealing, that one. Perhaps a princess could be mischievous too so we concocted a plan to steal a few potions. And I did, one blue one red. The rest is quite hazy for me that night, I remember Anvar found another black smith and that one stole a sword from said smith. I then planned to finish my con and asked if we could all go to the bar for a meal and some drinks when Anvar offered me his own rations. This makes no sense why would anyone give up their own food for a stranger?! It makes no sense and I have no idea but he offered all the same and I refused in such a confusion. I realized at this moment I simply couldn't con these people. They had to much kindness for their own good and I shouldn't take that away from them, I resolved to simply have a drink and leave that night before I became too attached or before anything bad happened to them. When we got to the bar I and that one proceeded to look and ask around about our potions. Mine supposedly increased intelligence and his well the gentlemen we asked had no idea. So he downed it and his veins pulsed red!! Disturbing I know. he became hostile very suddenly though I didn't notice that until later that night. I don't remember the exact scenario that led up to us finding a dead body but we did. Or that one did rather (note: snowberry knife in chest green acid potion in mouth when found). (OH I remember I went to get anvar since that one was acting strange and that one lead us to it) Anyways we took a sample of the potion from the mouth and anvar pocketed the knife. Anvar went back to the blacksmiths. They were intent on finding who had done this it seemed, again such nice people. (that one and I even went to have the potion analyzed) They believed in the authorities not knowing about corruption and I realized I was not meant to rob such innocent people of money or hope. but I couldn't keeping lying to them, not after the kindness they had shown. Usually people are rude and barely oblige me or only do so for the reward of returning me home, but not them. I decoded to tell that one, lying to him was like lying to delaney and that would be the opposite of right. So I told him and I'm not sure of what I expected but he basically told me to screw off because of how mad he was, and I did. I was about to leave but, something kept drawing me back. If they truly were intent on finding the murderer they might need the help of someone who knows more about how to get things done in a corrupt town such as this. I decided to try and investigate that night, fearing for my safety I left them a note explaining how I would be leaving after I helped them in this murder endeavor. I then went to the snowberry's. I did my Lillian charade and again they were so kind and let me in. The woman I met said as long as I left by morning all would be fine. So I planned just that. I didn't know exactly how the lock on one of the doors worked as I was sneaking around so I took the potion to see if perhaps that would help me remember. Instead I turned invisible. GREAT!!! This made my life easier. I got up to the second floor and screamed waiting for people to come out of their rooms to find the brats. I knew he was the murderer that was HIS knife. I went to his room and tried to intimidate him to get an answer which FAILED. I need to get better at that I should take notes from Anvar. i was then visible and heard footsteps coming back up. There was no other option he could not get away with this! murdering someone for a reason fine but a friend. No. So I grabbed him and ran out the window. I knew no justice could be taken in this corrupt town so I dragged him a mile out and still no town. great I know. So I tied him to a tree and slept. Everything hurt after that jump. Feeling energized I kept him tied there and headed back in to town disguised as a dwarf where I met up with the strangers i had seen before and they unfortunately recognized me (damn my eyes). When we went back for the boy he was gone just lovely. apparently I was a suspect already in the kidnapping of the brat so that one disguised me darkening my hair and such and we went back to the brewmaster's to see what we could figure out from our analyzed potion. We learned it was a potion that could not be made by the brewmaster it was too complicated. Lucius had seen Strife making a green potion earlier that day and was worried she had done the murder but afterwards decided not. As we exited Darren was standing there and declared that it was I that had kidnapped him which is HA outrageous I'm obviously not me. And I talked my way out of it. I then disguised as a guard (PI actually)to learn more information about the boy that had died and where he lived maybe what his family was. He lived with two families, the snowberries and another . At this other house we questioned (Lucius being my clerk) a man about what he knew about Dee. He basically said not much, so useful I know. We then went to the market to see who was selling poison and there we met Lucius' future lover, Cornelius who indeed sold a potion of a similar color that could be improved upon to be able to kill. He mentioned he had sold it to Holga that morning but could not remember anyone else from the previous days (smooth talking salesman as usual). We went to the inn after this I'm not 1000% sure why (oh yeah for lucius to flirt for more information) where we were arrested by guards. I was convinced to stand down and go with them even though I knew we were going to be killed. Maybe the mob had found me, if i kidnapped their son I was as good as dead anyways, Delaney would have run we would have run far and fought our way out, I'm not sure why these travelers didn't. But given there were 8 guards I stood down. we were bound and brought to a platform in the square where we were put on trial for the murder of the boy named Dee. Here I confessed to everything but gave my reasoning as to not be punished. Then we all came up with alibis for where we had been to not stand accused of this accusation for murder. Lucius then explained to lord snowberry all of the evidence and who we believed had comitted the murder, Holga. (Note: there was a break in at the snowberries 4 weeks previous). Holga was arrested and Lucius went to tell Strife. That one and I went for a drink and lucius came along which Anvar (who had previously been knocked out by guards) declined to do and went to get rest at the snowberry's where we had been offered a place to stay for the night. In my drunken haze that one and I decided to steal things. I wondered if maybe lancaster was a safe place to stay, I am tired of being on the run and with the protection of a noble this might be a good place to live my life. I would decide that night I decided. so I went to bed and was awoken by loud thumping. That one and I rushed down the stairs to figure it out, that one ran to get anvar when I saw Lucius who beckoned me to come with him something had happened. There we learned strife had comitted the murders and that she was a giant beast now going for Darren. I rushed back to the snowberry house to protect them. I woke up darren and his parents gave his parents weapons and sent them to defend the first floor while i prepared to jump out a window again with the brat where Anvar would hopefully be waiting. We jumped after hearing a thud on the floor below where strife had been taken down by none other than Lucius (Ironic). I followed Lucius off after where he pushed me away. I wonder what he must think of me but I also see the hurt in him that I experienced when someone close to me died or someone I trusted at least. We were told to leave and camped out by Lucius in the woods where we decided to travel as a pack, maybe these people could be my home. (ALSO I got an endless bag which is super neat but i don't think I can accept it, I failed the snowberries after all, I don't know, when did i become so moral?) (ALSO ALSO I gave my false papers to anvar to burn, I'm done pretending) That's alot but thats all -Kieran