Lucius Armideon

Lucius Armideon

Level five Half-Elf Monk Neutral Good

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean build, not really athletic

Facial Features

Bright green eyes, oh and he's blind in the left one. He's fairly average besides that.

Identifying Characteristics

Eyes and hair I guess?

Physical quirks

calluses on his hands from playing the lute

Apparel & Accessories

He wears thin fabrics with lots of yellows, light browns, and oranges.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lucius was found in a field just a few miles away from a temple to the Goddess Melora. An elven monk named Kiran Armideon from the monastery is the one who found him. He believed the reason for the child's abandonment to be his bad eye. Kiran named Lucius and gave Lucius his last name. Throughout most of his life, Lucius believed Kiran to be his biological father, however Kiran did end up telling him how he was found when he was fifteen. As a young boy he was very lively and loved dancing, singing, and began teaching himself the lute. Kiran began to tutor him and Lucius proved himself to be a good student. As Lucius grew up, he grew more reserved and began avidly studying his religion. He remained the youngest monk in the monastery for most of his teen years. When Lucius was seventeen a group of Lolth worshippers attacked the temple. The followers of Lolth seek out ways to bring about the death of elves. These people absolutely destroyed the temple. They trampled and pulled up the garden around the temple, burned all of the prayer and hymn books, and saw to it that every elf they found was dead before they left. Lucius was stabbed multiple times in his right shoulder and once right under the ribs. He and two other monks were the only survivors of the attack. He was taken out of the town, for the first time in his life, to be treated by a healer. He was at the healer's for two weeks before he could sit up again. When he was finally well enough to walk again, he immediately went back to the temple. It was in a horrible state. The fire the attackers set to burn the books had spread to the rest of the building, leaving nothing but the ashen base of the temple. Lucius searched the temple's remains in search of Kiran's body to give him a proper burial. He never found him. After the destruction of the temple, Lucius began traveling. He decided that the best way to get over his father's death was to find his own place in the world. However, this didn't really go very well. With all meaning striped from him he felt like he had nothing in this life but alcohol, which lead to a very serious drinking problem.   *The other two survivors were Aria Thorne (elf) and Roman Silva (half elf). Aria would be around thirty years old now, she has long brown hair down to her lower back, pale skin and piercing blue eyes. She is rather extroverted, excessively kind, and has a real talent for music. Roman is slightly older than Aria, he has dark skin, deep soulful eyes, and short hair. He is incredibly smart, and very well versed in many subjects. He really doesn’t like to say more than he has to. Lucius left for the temple before either of them, as he healed faster. He hasn't seen either of them since.

Gender Identity



very gay


He was educated by Kiran and the other monks he was taught how to read and write, sing, do math, history, and how to play the lute. However, Lucius started teaching himself the lute earlier than the monks usually did, just because he loved the music, and wanted to be able to play it himself.


Adventurer I guess?

Mental Trauma

He lost his father in a horible attack on his temple and never found his remains

Intellectual Characteristics

Incredibly logical and tends to favor complex solutions to simple ones, even if simple ones make more sense

Morality & Philosophy

Music and nature are what matter most, learn and teach as much about them as you can

Personality Characteristics


To find some meaning or purpose for why he is alive

Likes & Dislikes

  • Alcohol
  • Reading
  • Playing his lute
  • Debate and/or being right about things
  • Being touched
  • Being the center of attention for to long
  • Talking, especially in front of crowds

Personality Quirks

Can't STAND being touched


He's stays as not disgusting as he can


Contacts & Relations

Anvar, Roxas, Kieran, Cornelius

Family Ties

Kiran Armideon (Adopted Father) Aria Thorne, Roman Silva (fellow monks)

Religious Views

Core Philosophy
Melora provides all that is needed to lead a full life, we must do what we can to lead a life she would commend. Honor nature, preserve life, and learn all you can.
Rivers and Their Significance
Rivers represent the forward movement of all things, that we must not dwell on the past nor let it consume us. Many rituals are performed near, in, and/or around rivers. All temples to Melora are built at riverbanks, and oftentimes the temple will be built so that the river runs through it. All members of the temple of Melora perform a simple daily ritual just before dawn which entails taking off one's shoes, sitting at the river's edge, and resting one’s feet in the river. This allows the river to wash away the troubles of the day and night before, and gives one a fresh start to the coming day. This ritual typically lasts from five to eight minutes.
Rituals of Mourning
The most common ritual of mourning entails, of course, finding a river. Once on does so, one meditates on the loss for as long as one needs, typically lasting around twenty to thirty minutes. After this there is a hymn that one sings and/or plays on an instrument. Once the hymn has been played, the person performing the ritual makes a small cut on one of the fingers on their dominant hand depending on the form this lost takes. The pointer finger is for the loss of family or friend, the middle finger is the lost of an important possession, and the ring finger is the destruction of a piece of land. When the cut is made, one places the their hand in the river and allows the blood to was away, thus symbolising the loss having a place in their life, but also an ability to move forward.
The Five Hells
  1. Those who take what others need; be they thieves taking from the poor and needy or politicians taxing too heavily, anyone who takes what is needed by someone else for themselves
  2. Those who commit acts of perversion; anyone who forces, specifically though not exclusively children, into any intimate act without consent
  3. Those who kill without reason; this one is fairly self explanatory, if you don’t have a reason to kill a person or creature, yet do so anyway
  4. Those with a disregard for the natural world; anyone who kills animals for sport, and destroys forest without reason
  5. Those without conscience; anyone who fells no remorse for wrongdoing, and/or makes no attempt to fix what they have done
Any person can be saved from damnation if they are able to see the error of their ways before death and/or having irreversibly damaged another person
The Appearance of Melora Melora takes many forms depending on the person she is appearing to. The form she takes is typically of someone important to the person she is speaking with, be they important in the past, present or, future. The only thing that remains consistent about Melora's appearance, is that no matter what form she is in, she never has a face.

Social Aptitude

Very good at talking, doesn't like to though

Quiet, but perceptive, good at comforting people, very spiritual, can’t turn down alcohol

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
20 years
Date of Birth
17th of Kythorn (Calendar of Harptos)
Current Residence
Dirty blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Don't touch me" "I need a drink"
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarven, Draconic