Malory Rivera

Malory Rivera

Malory's an androgynous servant of Asmodeus, fated to eventually bring about the end of the world. How they are supposed to do this is unknown to them at the moment, so they don't know how to avoid it. They receive instructions and visions through dreams, remaining linked to the Lord of Hell through the ritual tattoos scattered across their body.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Their body is toned from their training, though there is still room for improvement.

Body Features

Pale blue tattoos snake along their arms, neck, and back.

Facial Features

Their face is somewhat average but tired.

Identifying Characteristics

Besides their tattoos, Malory's physical appearance is nothing special.

Apparel & Accessories

They wear two earrings on one ear along with chain mail gauntlets and skirts. Besides this Malory wears typical warm-weather clothing in almost all climates in order to keep their tattoos as exposed as possible.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malory was born to a warlock mother who had promised Asmodeus her and her child's soul in return for a successful life. After being granted a share of his power, Malory's mother went on to be a well-known adventurer and eventually retired in Falconvale with her husband. Eventually she had to pay her debts back to Asmodeus, giving Malory over to the local cultists shortly after he was born. In return for her ready obedience, Asmodeus allowed her to continue raising them in a limited sense but held most of the power over Malory's upbringing. The kid was under the cult's strict control until they turned 13, which was when they were ordered to stay with their parents in an attempt to look like a normal child. During the next two years a few of Malory's new friends started trying to dismantle the brainwashing that they had gone through their whole life, causing the cult to panic and quickly take the teen to Summerrun for a ritual that would bind them permanently to Asmodeus. After forcing Malory through a few grueling trials, the cult presented the ritual as a reward for their dedication to limit the flowering cleric's suspicion. The power shoved into Malory's body by the ritual was too much at first and they fell unconscious, and the cult expressed surprise and admiration when they eventually woke up with glowing, rippling blue tattoos. The followers of Asmodeus continued training Malory until they were 18, after which the tattoos finally stopped glowing and settled into one position. Malory was now permanently bound to Asmodeus' service and a key part of his plan to claim the surface realm as part of his vast kingdom.


Their education is surprisingly fleshed out for someone raised in a cult, though most of Malory's knowledge revolves around the workings of hell and the weaknesses of those in the known realms.


Social Aptitude

Malory is easily capable of talking to others, though they can start to grow self conscious and worry about people realizing what they are or getting too close to them. They quickly try to escape social situations where they feel uncomfortable.


Malory tends to be a late sleeper and has a terrible grip on relative time due to being awoken constantly by visions.

An unlucky kid that got wrapped up in an apocalypse cult and now has to play their part.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lbs
Known Languages


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