

Orphaned by an assassin sent to collect a debt, from a young age Roxas had to learn to fend for himself. Growing up on the streets of Elderwind; he got by stealing trinkets and other small objects from other citizens. To keep him out of danger Kaldane nickname Longears, an Elvin friend of his parents who had been exiled and sent to live among the humans, gave him a job performing at his tavern. As Roxas got older and the streets got tougher he fell in with a group of bandits for his own protection. During his time in this "group" he also met a girl named Kairi who he began to see romantically. She was an orphan like him and she was one of the only two people he actually cared about, but as the group grew in size and moved up to larger scale crime it was only a matter of time before the law caught up with them. Roxas saw this and tried to leave to protect himself from prison. The group did not take well to his request, and threatened him with all sorts of things. Seeing no other way out Roxas decided to leave the city and never return, for his safety and for the safety of his friends. Now you can find Roxas traveling the land collecting coin from impromptu performances were he can and taking it from where he can't

Wondering thief who only sticks around as long as he needs to

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Chaotic Neutral
black or very dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 6 in
135 lbs


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