Sactor Bridgewater

Sactor Bridgewater

Sactor Bridgewater is a bardic Half-elf on the run

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Scar across the back of the torso that runs down the left arm

Apparel & Accessories

Normally wears just above-average clothes. Not enough to make them stand out in a crowd, but enough to make them seem out of a crowd when they want to be.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Condell Isaaki was born in the small Elven town of Assel from their elven mother and human father. According to the mother Iyardi, the father was a traveler in a party of adventurers, and she happened to catch his eye. 9 months later, Condell was born. Condell lived a pretty normal life, except that even from a young age, they wanted to become a world-famous musician. Condell grew up learning several instruments, including drums and lutes. Their favorite was the Lyre. Condell loved this lyre, and has used it since the age of 12. They grew up in this town, and lived there for their entire life. But something happened around his 23rd birthday. Condell decided to go and perform for a secondary school in a nearby town. On his way there, he met a group of young dwarfs who went to the school. The group talked for a while, and the dwarfs seemed generally interested in his music. They thought nothing of it, and in no time it was time for the performance. It was going really well and everyone was enjoying themselves, when Condell accidentally strummed the wrong chord and sang the wrong note. This ended up triggering a cloud of daggers forming, which connected to a broken shard of glass on his shoe. When they realized this happened, everyone, including Condell, took off and evacuated. Condell later heard that the incident had killed two Dwarfish teens, which were in the group he had talked to on the way to the school. The report said the musician was wanted and was currently being hunted down. They changed their name to go unnoticed among the public, to avoid having to go to prison. Sactor Bridgewater is now 26, and is attempting to build up their musical career once again, playing on the streets and in taverns for money for food and a good place to sleep. Sactor has no clue about how far they have traveled, or if they have just went in a giant circle for over three years.

Gender Identity



Asexual, literally doesn't care.


Sactor went through all of grade school, as well as a 2-year Music-oriented college.


Sactor is currently "self-employed."

Mental Trauma

Caused the death of two young dwarfish teens.

Morality & Philosophy

If it's not harming me or anyone/ anything I care about, I don't care all that much.


Harming innocent

Personality Characteristics


Wants to try to make up for what they have done by being kind and social.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Other musicians, peace, general calm (overridden by music), any money   Dislikes: Violent people (like, people trying to pick fights for no reason), police or any law enforcement

Virtues & Personality perks

Very friendly and happy, and will try to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Vices & Personality flaws

Will try to avoid harming any innocent party or bystanders, and will go out of their way to make sure they are safe.


Tries to remain as clean as possible, but can get hard with limited money.


Contacts & Relations

Local tavern owners and bartenders if they stay in the same place for a while

Family Ties


Religious Views

Worship whoever you want. Doesn't care and doesn't judge.

Hobbies & Pets

Music (Duh), language, card tricks


Nervous stutters

Wealth & Financial state

Lives on the streets
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
18th Aug
Current Residence
Golden Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
100 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarfish


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