Xiliath Silaxum

Xiliath Silaxum (a.k.a. Xi, Lia)

Has never committed a crime in her life :)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and imposing at 6'0", heels and horns notwithstanding. Very muscular.

Body Features

Many visible scars and piercings. Very thick almost dragon-like tail with hard ridges ending in a large, sharp spade.

Facial Features

Two noticeable scars and several piercings, glasses, and dark colored eye makeup including black markings. Very bright red eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Big, red, and pointy.

Physical quirks

Expresses rare tiefling traits of black blood and sclera, as well as pupils and irises.

Special abilities


Apparel & Accessories

Purple ribbons in her hair, two necklaces, white top with a sheer cutout over the collar, dark leather corset over splint armor, dark leather gauntlets, utility armband, over the shoulder sheath strap, red cape pinned at the waist, black pants, leg strap with bag of holding, black and white heeled ankle boots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised by and works for the Venudaire since the age of 6.

Gender Identity





Very specialized to suit the Venudaire needs- having only been taught basics of most core education topics and trained more in combat and other things that she would need to operate as a collector.


Venudaire collector, temporarily hired by the city of Neverwinter as an investigator, adventurer, additional income for brief periods from working as a prostitute and from pit fighting rings in Neverwinter.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Is banned from every pit fighting ring in Neverwinter. Helped stopped both Cryovain and Viktor. Top of her class in the Venudaire. Is doing a pretty good job taking care of a little garden in the Northern Keep.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to collect Iarno alive, couldn't rescue Nadiem, barely helped in both the Black Spider and Cryovain fights, has died twice because of her own poor decisions.

Mental Trauma

The only way to write this comprehensively would be to link her backstory doc. It's a lot and she's very clearly been manipulated for years among other things. Has misinterpreted what it means to love and be loved in a very unfortunate way.

Intellectual Characteristics

Does not believe herself to be very intelligent, yet has demonstrated some fairly specialized knowledge on certain topics and can strategize and plan ahead decently.

Morality & Philosophy

Doesn't seem to have thought about it much, but does have some sense of honor and prefers a fair fight and managed to maintain a shred of morality despite her upbringing.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to protect the people she loves, and does attempt to do what she thinks is right. Can also be somewhat motivated for money.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at strategizing and anatomy. Bad at socializing and empathy. Is getting better at decision making.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes apples, sunny weather, and the color green Dislikes worms, confectioner's sugar, and red tape

Virtues & Personality perks

Passionate and fierce, she's very dedicated. She does believe in people and truly does want to save them.

Vices & Personality flaws

Kind of an alcoholic, not very emotionally adept. A bit slow to learn, and rather stubborn. Has been known to be rude and obnoxious.

Personality Quirks

Tail does swish around quite a lot dependent on mood, plays with the hair she has towards the front a lot. Will hold her own tail when distraught.


She tries to keep herself generally clean, but has been known to spend extended periods covered in blood.


Family Ties

No contact with her family since age 6, parents allegedly died in a fire soon after. Has recently found her little brother Emil, and is absolutely delighted about it.

Religious Views

Fought a god and wasn't particularly impressed.

Social Aptitude



Fairly straightforward and honest, sometimes a bit mean. Does generally try to be respectful of others, but will only change habits if asked directly.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys training and teaching combat. Has been trying to tend to a garden in the Northern Keep in an attempt to prove she can do things besides fight. Turns out you have to fight certain plants to keep things orderly. She is currently losing.


Lower register, loud and blunt. Can't lie very well and doesn't like to.

Wealth & Financial state

Used to be from a fairly well-off family. Did as well as one could in the lower ranks of the Venudaire, living just about comfortably but not much more. Currently doing quite well in the Northern Keep.

Debt Collector for the Venudaire, and member of the Executioners.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Top ranked in Silaxum class. Honorary Neverwinter Counsel member.
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Northern Keep, Venudaire Complex
Red, black sclera
Black (toned to Arda Wigs' Raven)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
187 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
Common, Infernal


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