Dhja'ar Majeer Character in The Known World | World Anvil

Dhja'ar Majeer

Dhja'ar Majeer

There are rumors of seekers of the Arcane who bring divine justice to those who stray the path. Many see these entities as local tall tales, but the cold truth is harsher than the sweet lies many tell themselves   Knowledge is power, and how that power is used often says a lot about those wielding it. Is it used as a blunt hammer—flailing in ignorance to pulverize one's foes to dust? Perhaps it is used with the cold, calculated precision of a steel dagger. Or perhaps it is as versatile and fluid as water—an ever-changing force of nature that, when applied tactically, can be either devastating or nurturing.   Dhja'ar is a simple, pretty, and shapely naga, dressed in a set of simple yet warm-colored garb that hints about her origins. However, every rose has its thorns. Her scales shimmer with a rainbow multicolor of iridescence, almost as if she were 'kissed by the sun itself'—a rare blessing as her people might call it.   As an individual, Dhja’ar is something of an enigma even among her kin. She is not moved by outside trivial desires. Instead, she is moved by a strong internal desire. A desire that no amount of gold can buy. A desire that means everything to her. Perhaps she is willing to sacrifice almost anything to get it. A naga connected to many threads and many organizations,... Only time will tell, what purpose she choose to fight for.  


A solemn and secluded woman, Dhja’ar is reserved and prefers not to draw attention to herself. She tends to avoid questions about herself or her family if she can help it, and is not one to easily open up. However, in the presence of any sort of library, font of knowledge, or when the opportunity to tinker is given to her, Dhja'ar's demeanor can change to a childlike jubilance and enthusiasm.   Despite this, some would describe her to be filled with self-loathing, both about what her family has become and the things she had done. She seeks to stop the corruption of her father as a means to cleanse her soul & mind.   Dhja'ar is a very opinionated person to those she is close to, even when her input is not asked for, and it is usually dripping with light-hearted sarcasm. She is also practically-minded and eschews sentimentality, especially when it comes to tools that might make one's task easier; she can become furious when a warrior chooses a mundane blade over a Magical one during combat.   Dhja'ar is also a very blunt person, and prefers uncomfortable truths rather than comforting lies. When debating the grey areas around mortality, particularly when it comes to spells and blood magic, she is more likely to defend the usage of necromancy with a witty quip if it can be used as a means to a good end. She speaks with a smile but adopts the scolding attitude of a scholar or professor when confronted with ignorance.

Biography So Far

A sharp-minded learner and youthful rebel, Dhja'ar emerged in the Suurmarj Outpost and grew up with her family in the Kiteshi Empire. Dhja'ar's life was marked by highs and lows, mostly stemming from a profound tragedy in her past. All amidst the ruins of her life, whether it took her through the bustling city, or slums of Kitesh. It was here, her true genesis unfolded.   Following the tragedy, she sought solace within Kitesh's upper city in the serene Sunlit Sanctum. This ancient refuge provided solace and respite with its dusty halls adorned with scrolls and books teeming with wisdom and knowledge. It became her sanctuary, a place to both learn and share wisdom with inquisitive minds.   Driven by the struggle faced by her beloved aunt, Shila'nah, Dhja'ar made a desperate choice. She turned to thievery to alleviate their dire circumstances. With precision, she discreetly relieved unsuspecting travelers of their possessions, momentarily easing her family's burden. However, fate interwove itself into her complex life. Through an unexpected turn, her thievery caught the attention of a merchant named Borlis, an old human man. His eyes, reflecting a myriad of colors, gazed deep into her soul. As an act of support, he returned the stolen items and extended three gleaming platinum coins as a gesture of compassion. Unbeknownst to Shila'nah, this chance encounter forged a connection of empathy and understanding among the three, uniting them in facing life's adversities.   Unknown to Shila'nah and Dhja'ar, Borlis saw great potential in the young thief. He envisioned a future where her latent spark could flourish, and he pledged to protect and nurture it. Encountering Borlis awakened Dhja'ar's resolve to live beyond her tumultuous past.

Glimmering Future

At dawn, Borlis found Dhja'ar amidst the Sunlit Sanctum's ancient scrolls and books. He offered to guide her into the enchanting realm of magic, hinting at the challenges they'd conquer together. However, it was her aunt who held the reins to Dhja'ar's future. With a nod from Shila'nah and Borlis by her side, Dhja'ar embarked on a new phase of her life. This unforeseen journey unveiled her unique talents, transforming her into a symbol of hope and resilience, lighting the path for others to follow.   Within the discerning eyes of the elder, hope gleamed brightly. Glacier Borlis revealed himself to be a diamond Dragonborn, disguised behind a human visage. Radiating vibrant optimism, he foresaw a promising destiny for the young naga. Glacier, a custodian of arcane wisdom, welcomed Dhja'ar as his apprentice in the Sunlit Sanctum. Their relationship transcended that of a mentor and student; Borlis became a father figure, nurturing her with boundless love.   Dhja'ar, a budding spell-caster, possessed an innate affinity for magic and a spirited demeanor. Her tutelage under Borlis unveiled secrets even the most erudite tutors couldn't decipher. Together, they tapped into the Cosmic Etherium, a crystalline realm of order and harmony that influenced ley-line magic. With Borlis's guidance, Dhja'ar honed this power.   Despite mastering meditation, knives, and staves, her aggression sometimes caused focus issues or overexertion. The dark storm within her persisted, closely monitored by Borlis. A stealthy young mage, Dhja'ar garnered the attention of the highly secretive Ebony Enclave. Intrigued by her progress under Glac'er's mentorship, they proposed she become an urban bounty hunter. Flattered yet cautious from Glac'er's advice, Dhja'ar accepted, guided by her personal ethos.

The Winding Path

In her later years, on one of her hunts, Dhja'ar partnered with a seasoned agent—a satyr within the Kiteshi Empire, with whom she developed a deep affection. Yet, a mission that went astray led to tragedy and her partner's capture by an undead force. This left Dhja'ar shattered and solitary, seeking solace in studies and odd jobs to cope with her overwhelming sorrow.   A letter from the deceased target of her hunt unveiled a chilling secret, reigniting her pursuit of truth. Her ceaseless work led her across the world, learning from renowned wizards and ancient magical institutions. Endorsed by the legendary Faldred Kensith, Dhja'ar gained access to the Sapphire Assembly, Shaman's Mantle, and Polymath College. Her friend, Teril von Kraus, kept her informed about bounties and opportunities within the Mage's Guild. After numerous clandestine dealings and aid from the Ebony Enclave, Dhja'ar embarked on a mission to save her lost partner and husband in a forbidden land.   In her pursuit of truth, she delved into the mysteries surrounding the formidable mercenary group, the Black Hand. Seeking insights into the elusive cult called the Awakened, she took on the role of the Black Hand's court wizard, anticipating that the Black Hand might provide resources to further her research. However, she found herself torn between two secretive organizations vying for supremacy—the Black Hand exploiting her understanding of the Ebony Enclave, while the Enclave used her to keep a close watch on the Black Hand's maneuvers.   Her world underwent a seismic shift, allies turned into adversaries, and the looming threat of conflict endangered neighboring nations. Dhja'ar sought fresh alliances and forged a bond with Hunter's Keep and Hans Van Richter. Her primary goal was to unravel the secrets surrounding Elizabeth Von Drag'houl—a name carrying far more mysteries than she had imagined. Dhja'ar aimed to unearth the connection between Elizabeth and the Awakened, as well as explore Drag'houl's history with the Keep, delving into untold secrets that lay beneath.   Due to a deal with a Hag, within Targovia most if not all the memories of her immediate family are clouded and hard to recall on her own. She has a journal to recall some things of her life, though hazy. Through luck or coincidence, a trusted clan sister has the important but vague details of her life. Truly it feels like listening about a different person’s life.   Current Objective: Trying to Prevent loss of life, in a Unnecessary war before it gets worse.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Former Court Wizard of the Black Hand, Agent of the Ebony Enclave, Member of The Hammer's Strike
Date of Birth
1st Juldus
Year of Birth
528 NC. 24 Years old
Suurmarj Outpost, Gold Expanse
Cerulean blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Burnt Sinnea Scales
6 feet, 1 inches
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Trade-tongue, Serpent-tongue , Thieves' Cant,Giant, Sylvan

Change in plans

After making some preparations for my vengeance trip to Balkwreath. She stops by Cliffspire to talk to my friend, Lucia Ul'Morna; A demon seamstress working within Cliffspire. We talked at length on personal matters my vengeance and what this one does afterwards. I hold loyalty to those i trust which is rare within itself. Trust is rare mineral, the toughest you ever come across when forged, before that Trust is fragile ore at the start of it all. This cosmic mettle; it must be tested through tough times, blazing flames and chaotic forces for if it breaks or bends it's unreliable. Though if it never yields with those hardy souls; you have staunch allies.   In any case with recent times, change is inevitable. Sometimes actions are required more so than patience. Dhja'ar been patience enough, I need to annihilate this vile person of a man, J'hvorsa; neither protector, father nor trusted kin. This unworthy sire of hers needs to wiped off the face of this plane of existence. She also plans on burning every root and stem of the Awakened and those working for them.   Back on topic, I left on good terms with Lucia taking the reins in my stead. Bless Alsham to forgive me for what I have done. To correct the faults of the past and live in the present. As Dhja'ar left for the motherland of Angelism, she hopes she is doing the right thing. During the train ride something seemed off as I kept in contact with Kallisa; Auntie to Balthzar Al'Ruine of the Blackhand. I learned the Siren, the Necromancer, co leader of the Black hand has went missing as part of her horn was left behind. The communication between the Kallisa and Dhja'ar via sending stones revealed that much that happened in my absence. Somethings have come to light after much contemplation that might complicate things.   As Dhja'ar now stands on the precipice of her own design. These actions could change her life. She has paths to take, but need time to reflect upon and how to handle it. She wonder after some disturbing dreams which path is the right one? It would seem Alsham is not just testing her morals but conviction to come this far. After disembarking from the tramways finally in Balkwreath on 11th of Aurus. Her fate and choices from here on will change the nature of the game, she found herself in drastically for good or ill. Only time will tell....


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