Elmshire Settlement in The Known World | World Anvil


Elmshire was settled by halflings after the end of the War of Broken Chains, when the Ak'teshi Empire former slaves began to spread out from their former fortress home of Duunhollow and migrated west.   Elmshire is a small, quaint, and rural town located along the Warden's Way, currently under the jurisdiction of the Kinston Council, with a majority Halfling population.   The town is most notable for its unique strain of grain and wheat that grows in arid climates, which led to a boom in breweries around the turn of the century. The town now primarily exports crops and ale.   Of the initial glut of breweries, three brewer families have survived and prospered to this day.   House Homebread. The quintessential family business, the Homebread Brewery embodies traditional family and sells its ale on the values of hearth and home. Its ale is pos popular with hard-working, blue-collar farmers. It is not uncommon for workers to flood the pubs of Elmshire and demand steins of the finest Homebread Seasonal.   House Farfoot. House Farfoot sees frequent business across Meyland. Its primary drinks of choice are hard, artisan ciders, and it is rare to see any pub throughout the country that doesn't sell the Farfoot drink of trade.   House Wethill. House Wethill's choices of ales are deep, oatmeal stouts. A favourite of many Dwarven travellers, Wethill Stouts are commonly found throughout the taverns of the Silver Kingdom.
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