
Eonir is a wild spirit who embodies change, speed, and swiftness. Championing those who are playful and free-spirited, she is viewed as the patron spirit of youth, naivete, and the trials that come with these traits. She encourages curiosity, learning, and challenges her followers to spread their wings and explore the world. Because of this, she is widely viewed as the youngest sister among the Pantheon.   Eonir reminds her followers that without change through learning and curiosity, the chains of stagnation bind them irrevocably. She teaches that one must break free of those chains set in the ways of old traditions and take flight; to be the change that one seeks.   Eonir is mischievous by nature and is one of the most fun-loving spirits of the Pantheon. She seems incapable of remaining still or concentrating on a single task for an extended period of time. Eonir enjoys causing trouble for its own sake, but her pranks are rarely either helpful or deadly. However, Eonir becomes very dangerous if her followers are threatened, and she is always championing the underdog.


Eonir is frequently depicted as a great, golden eagle, sometimes taking on enormous proportions. Eagles, Giant Eagles, Hawks, and other daytime birds of prey are seen as signs of her presence, and her image is often carved into standing stones at the peaks of mountains or cliff faces. The Tengu people living in and around the territories of the Empire of the Celestial Dragon might depict Eonir in shrines as a tall, gold and white crane.

Tenets of Faith

Eonir teaches her followers to explore the world without fear nor hesitancy. Eonir stresses the cleansing and redeeming effects of the wind, air, and storms, and the joys of freedom. Her followers are passionate folk who highlight the merriment of the spirit.   Chaos is the spice of life. Change and excitement are the spice of life. Live on the edge, unbound by the conventions of society in a spirit of constant self-reinvention. Puncture the self-righteousness, sanctimony, and pretension that pervades orderly society with mischievous pranks that both amuse and enlighten. Seek excitement and danger wherever your feet take you, for risk-taking leads to life's greatest rewards. Lust for the thrill, not for the treasure, for greed obscures the true prize of the experience. At the end of the day, those with the wildest tales are the most honored in the eyes of the eagle.   Spread your wings. Explore and discover. Spread the teachings of Sister Eagle by example. Work to promote her among travellers, especially trailblazers who seek out new lands and new opportunities. Ascent to the highest peaks and ride the wind. Let it take you wherever it blows. Aid those in need, and trust in the Eagle. Journey to distant horizons. Be the first to see the rising sun, the mountain peaks, the lush valleys. Let your footsteps fall where none have tread.   Bring joy unto others. Each day is another movement in the joyful dance of a life lived in rapture and without care or frustration. Seek joy always by working to bestow it upon others. Festivals are for all – gather into celebrations the lost, the lonely, the exiled and outlawed, the shunned, and even your foes. Let folk follow their own desires, and never fail to follow your own.  

Followers of Eonir

Eonir's following teems with adventuresome troublemakers and free-spirited idealists who usually emerge from some dangerous endeavor better off than when they entered it. Though most communities of Eonir (particularly children) love stories of their exploits, most would prefer that her following keep far away from their own lives and are personally unwilling to get involved in the misadventures capers of Eonir's entourage.   Eonir's flock engage in difficult, dangerous pursuits such as adventuring, always valuing the story of a given success far more than the physical treasure such a success might bring with it. Though the flock frequently engage in mischief against any given authority, they do so for the thrill, and such pranks are never harmful. Those who cannot adventure, whether due to age or infirmity, serve the faith by running safe houses and by spreading glorious tales among sedentary folk. Many followers of Eonir serve as guides for adventuring companies or as explorers themselves.   Priests of Eonir travel across the world, listening to the howl of the many winds, and spreading the word of Eonir at each opportunity. They often lecture on the joys that the freedom that Eonir brings, but seldom stop to argue semantics or principles, choosing instead to sew the seeds of Eonir and then continue along to "wherever the wind takes them".   Dedicated temples and churches to Eonir are hard to come by. Most shrines to Eonir are built in hard-to-reach, out-of-the-way places such as the peaks of mountains. There is a culture of one-upmanship within the ranks of Eonir's followers, where dedicated followers of her teachings are challenged to build shrines to her in the most secretive places for others to find decades later. The higher the shrine's location, the greater renown gained among peers.   The followers of Eonir champion great feats of speed, and the Eagle Spirit is said to reward those who display incredible feats of haste with great, golden wings.   Most notably, the nomdic, flightless Tengu people revere Eonir as their goddess. They are taught to "earn their wings" by living a life of exploration and adventure.
Swiftness, Change, Freedom, Curiosity, Youth, Eagles
Divine Classification
Wild Spirit
Chaotic Good


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