
Vampires are immortal, parasitic beings, born from the twisted arts of necromancy. They are undead humanoids who hunger for the life forces of mortals, drawing sustenance from the crimson essence that flows through their veins. The legacy of these cursed creatures stretches across the annals of history, infecting the world with the undeath for countless centuries. Within the sprawling tapestry of their existence, intricate lineages known as "bloodlines" weave tales of origin, and at the heart of this web of darkness lies the once-mighty civilization of Nidea, the birthplace of these creatures.   Forged in the crucible of shadowy rituals, Vampires emerge through a macabre transformation inflicted upon once-mortal men and women, leaving behind their former selves to embrace an eternity of darkness. The art of their creation is a closely guarded secret, a grim inheritance passed down through their bloodlines. These creatures of night retain a remarkable portion of their original intelligence and prowess, defying the grasp of death even as they remain ensnared by its grip. Thus, their ambitions and desires endure, lending them a perilous edge that stems from centuries of existence and the sinister wisdom it imparts.   Amidst the diversity that paints the spectrum of their physical forms, a common thread binds them—a shared semblance of a humanoid shape, yet their eyes, once windows to the soul, are now stained with the infusion of blood Magic, painting them a vivid shade of red. The whites of their eyes, once pristine, become as dark as shadow. Whether human, halfling, dwarf, demon-kind, naga, or any other, most Vampires can masquerade as their original species, cloaking their unnatural nature beneath beguiling charms and enchantments.   The origins of most vampires can be traced back to human lineage. These creatures often establish their lairs and networks primarily in the northern hemisphere of the world, particularly in regions where cloudy, foggy, or overcast days are common. From grand gothic castles that grace the Common Realms to intricate cave and dungeon networks concealed within frozen wastelands and mountains of Vaskyr and Djora, vampires carve out their domains amidst the darkness.   Yet, for all their artifice, they are naught but decaying cadavers animated by the sorcery of blood magic. Only those who indulge their thirst with regularity can perpetuate the illusion of beauty, while some forsake these veils altogether, embracing their grotesque inhumanity and appearing as morbid reflections of decay.

Addiction to Blood

Vampirism's gravest curse lies in its demand for the elixir of life—the precious lifeblood that courses through mortal veins. These creatures, deprived of the sustenance of normal food and drink, are compelled to feast upon the very essence of living beings to endure.
The agonizing thirst that afflicts fledgling vampires becomes an all-consuming affliction, eclipsing reason and sanity, transforming them into savage, erratic entities vulnerable to vampire hunters and those who dedicate their lives to eradicating the undead scourge. Yet, the passage of time unveils a subtler facet of this curse, wherein older vampires master the art of survival, gradually weaning themselves off the need for constant nourishment until they can endure for years between feedings.   The agony of vampiric hunger resembles an addiction that gnaws at their core. For these creatures, the youthfulness of blood enhances its flavor, its potency in satiating the voracious hunger, and its power to preserve their eternal existence. However, primal instincts cannot be fully escaped. Vampires, divided by nature and circumstance, often meld seamlessly into the living world, concealing their monstrous predilections behind a veneer of normalcy.

Chained to the Grave

A tether binds each vampire to some haven of slumber—an intricately carved niche, a crypt steeped in shadows, or a burial site cloaked in the earth's embrace. When the sun's rays reign supreme, these nocturnal creatures are compelled to seek refuge within their sanctum, awaiting the protection of nightfall. For vampires who had no formal burial, their rest must be found beneath a foot of soil, marking the place where they first transitioned from the realm of life to the cursed realm of undeath.   A vampire's bond to its burial site is unyielding. A vampire can shift its resting place by transporting their coffin or an ample quantity of their grave's soil to another location. Some vampires establish multiple resting sites. Within this cycle of rest and wakefulness, a vampire's slumber becomes both a sanctuary and a chain, a place of solace and confinement.

Becoming a Vampire

Vampirism is a cursed affliction that passes from a vampire to a living mortal through the vampire's consumption of the mortal's blood. However, this sinister gift is granted solely by those who are born of true-blooded vampiric lineage, possessed of the purest essence of their kind. Invariably, the mortal who undergoes this unholy metamorphosis becomes a vampire spawn, entrapped within a binding connection to their sire and their commands and whims. Yet, the bestowal of true vampirism is not freely given. It is a privilege reserved for the most trusted among the vampire's spawn, a mark of distinction granted to those whose loyalty has been steadfast, or a prise to be taken by those who rise in defiance to overthrow their dominator. The act of consuming the blood of a true-blooded vampire becomes the pivotal rite, an elixir that either elevates the spawn to an equal standing beside their master, or a transformation that tears asunder the chains of servitude. Should a vampire's existence be extinguished, the once-enslaved vampire spawn will regain their lost autonomy.

Within vampire society, a hierarchy of thralls is commonplace. Vampire thralls are mortals who have fallen under the sway of the vampire's supernatural charisma, bewitched by their potent allure. Often, these thralls serve as sustenance for the insatiable hunger that defines the vampire's existence. A grim fate awaits many, as these thralls are frequently regarded as expendable, their lives measured only in terms of the nourishment they provide or the usefulness they have to the vampire's plans.   Vampiric tendencies can also manifest when a practitioner of blood magic becomes addicted to the very substance required to fuel their profane spellcraft. It is entirely plausible for a knowledgeable spellcaster proficient in blood magic to descend into addiction to this dark art, allowing the magic to gradually consume them. Over an extended period, they could transform into an undead slave to the consuming hunger for blood. The ultimate consequence is the metamorphosis into a true vampire, all without ever receiving the curse through the traditional method of being bitten.   This very process encapsulates the tragic fate of the ancient orcish dark shaman known as Kusatta the Bloody Mad. It's important to note that during Kusatta's era, the specific terminology of 'vampire' had yet to take form, thereby rendering him exempt from such classification, despite the undeniable parallels in his transformation.   The road to curing vampirism is an arduous one, requiring substantial effort and magical prowess. Barring the influence of immensely potent divine magic or the direct intervention of a deity, avenues not readily available to most mortals, vampirism resists easy remedy. There exists, however, a rumored solution in the form of the Infinus Maledus, the enigmatic Black Book of Diseases and Curses. Said to hold the power to impart or dispel a wide array of afflictions, including vampirism, this tome stands as a potential source of salvation from the curse.

Blood Magic

Vampires are the sole masters of the ancient and profane craft of blood magic, binding their essence to the life force they crave. Through whispered incantations and ritual rites, they manipulate the crimson rivers within. Unlike mortal necromancers who labor through study and profane rituals, vampires innately comprehend blood magic's esoteric nature. Even fledgling Vampires wield a basic grasp, while some ambitious immortals dedicate themselves to excellence in the art.   With an understated gesture—a mere touch or flick of their wrist—vampires command blood magic's might, weaving profane spells that bind the blood of the living to their desires. Conjuring a pulsating dark symphony, they extract life forces, puppeteer victims, or cause profuse bleeding. Yet, this mastery is also a tool of transformation and preservation, mending decaying forms, knitting together undead flesh, and cloaking their own monstrous visages to bewitch onlookers and conceal their true nature.

Blood Moons

The innate blood magic that courses through the veins of vampires reaches its apex during the night of a blood moon, an occasion specifically marked by the transformation of the smaller celestial body known as the Matron into a deep and foreboding blood-red hue. This cosmic event holds profound significance for the vampire kind, encompassing a duality of meanings. On one hand, it becomes a living symbol of the Matron "bleeding," an allegorical embodiment of the corruption of the younger of the twin moons that stands juxtaposed against its larger counterpart, the radiant "Mother" moon. Beyond the realm of symbolism, this crimson transformation serves as a tangible link to the infernal pact that gave rise to the vampire lineage, a contract forged eons ago by an enigmatic entity, henceforth referred to as the Blood Matron.   In the heart of a blood moon's nocturnal embrace, when the night sky remains devoid of the Mother moon's presence, a vampire's inherent powers surge with unparalleled potency, casting aside many of their usual vulnerabilities. During this extraordinary event, running water loses its potency, and the vampire's regenerative abilities are amplified to a degree that renders them almost impervious. Strikingly, even the most formidable of a vampire's adversaries—the piercing rays of sunlight—lose their lethal grip, devolving into a mere annoyance. In this convergence of celestial forces, the vampire even finds dominion over the shadows themselves, able to step between them at will.   An especially notable phenomenon occurs when certain vampires undergo a transformation during a blood moon. On these occasions, vampire lords and masters skilled in blood magic possess the ability to cast aside their conventional humanoid appearances, embracing their true forms—a striking metamorphosis into monstrous creatures resembling bats. This dramatic shift in appearance serves as a revelation, laying bare the raw essence of the infernal pact that gave rise to the entire vampire species. Through this transformation, a glimpse is afforded into the fundamental core that shapes their existence. This metamorphosis serves as an unveiling of the full potential of the infernal pact. With this transformation, these vampires can tap into potent energies that had long remained dormant, unleashing their true might.

Creatures of Ambition

The night of a blood moon is an event that sends ripples of anticipation through every vampire's core. Yet, even in the midst of this extraordinary night, one evening of respite is but a tantalizing taste that seldom satiates the ambitions that stir within the hearts of most vampires. Across the ages, an unyielding dream has woven its thread through the vampire psyche—to command mastery over the very sun itself, the arch-nemesis that bathes them in perilous light, and to reign supreme over the living populace that stalks them as abhorrent, unholy predators—a conquest that seems as audacious as it is forbidden. Yet, nestled within this realm of desire is a complex spectrum of attitudes towards the living, a blend of loathing and detachment that is as varied as the vampires' countless bloodlines. Many recoil in disgust at the notion of mingling with the living, deeming them naught but herds of expendable cattle, their existence a mere resource to be kept and harvested for sustenance. These vampires view vampirism not as a curse, but rather as a blessing—an exquisite transformation that elevates them above the mundane constraints of mortality. In their eyes, they ascend as superior beings, an apex predator.

Vampire Society

Vampire society weaves an intricate tapestry of cutthroat hierarchies, akin to a grand aristocracy, tightly bound by rigid castes that revolve around the precious currency of blood. To nearly all vampires, their worth is solely measured by their proximity to this life-giving essence. Those with privileged access to blood sources ascend as esteemed figures of high status. However, a loftier position is reserved for those who possess unrestricted entry to the lifeblood of the young and youthful, standing as the paramount nobility within the vampire domain. Amidst this intricate framework, a special tier is carved for spellcasters—those who master the arcane tapestry of blood magic—and they revel in extraordinary reverence within the realm of vampires.

Bloodlines & the Blood Matron

However, paramount among these societal intricacies lies a vampire's bloodline, an indomitable beacon that illuminates their identity and heritage. This lineage is held as sacrosanct, driving vampires to untold lengths to safeguard its continuity. Given the inherent inability to procreate, vampires transform existing family members into kin, whether willingly or unwillingly. The embrace of this curse is not solely an act of preservation, but an embodiment of legacy. Yet, for those who lack heirs or family before their transition into vampirism, the quest to cultivate kinship remains unabated. They forge new ties by granting others the gift—or curse—of vampirism, nurturing new bloodlines that will stretch through eternity.   There have been many bloodlines throughout history, all of which can be traced back to a single lineage—the first vampire. Millennia ago, this nameless progenitor emerged from the pages of history. Little remains known about her save for her identity as a crimson mage living within the grat Kingdom of Nidea, who garnered favor from Vauldis, the High Necromancer after he ascended to the exalted position of High Regent during The Great Purge . With an allegiance to Mephistus, lord of the Infernal Abyss, she forged an accord for immortality under the light of a blood moon, an eternal bond that would allow her to stand by Vauldis' side after his transformation into a lich. This figure is known by all vampires as the Blood Matron.   To vampires, the Blood Matron assumes a divine mantle, often referred to as the Bride of the Devil or the Bloodmother. She and her progeny recognize that blood is both the essence of life and the wellspring of magic—forces that sustain the Bloodmother herself. Born from the mingling of Human and infernal blood, the Blood Matron embodies a dichotomy: often coldly sadistic and brimming with hatred, she can be consumed by rage, surrendering to her infernal nature and transforming into a ravenous fiendish beast. Whispers among devout vampires tell of her ventures into the Materium in pursuit of blood, occasionally indulging in other interests. She treasures rare wines, exquisite furs, and gemstones, delighting in opiate consumption and partaking in debaucheries as a voyeur and sadist. She might be found acquiring fineries in bustling human cities, savoring forbidden sights and knowledge in darkened libraries and settlements, or even ensnaring a chaste paladin or devoted priest in her pursuit of corruption.   Among vampires, a debate arises concerning the origins of their kind. While some attribute their genesis to the Blood Matron, there are factions, especially among orcish vampires, that revere Kusatta the Bloody Mad as the inaugural vampire. Kusatta and his dark shamans were the first to delve into dark shamanism, an ancient precursor to necromancy. Millennia of Kusatta's influence led to the adoption of his practices by cultists, forming the early roots of what is now recognized as blood magic. Notably, the extensive use of blood magic has been documented as triggering a transformation in addicted practitioners, turning them into true vampires. This very process mirrors Kusatta's destiny, though the term 'vampire' wasn't coined during his time, thus exempting him from such classification despite the undeniable parallels in his change.   Through the expanse of eons, countless bloodlines have surged and receded, locked in ceaseless struggle for ascendancy within vampire society, transcending the bounds of time across the globe. Among the labyrinthine branches of these lineages, three trunks emerged as foundational pillars, to which all bloodlines can find common ancestry. These three lineages diverged from the first three to recieve the gift of vampirism from the Blood Matron.   Nosferus Bloodline. Originating from the ancient lineage of Kraith Nosferus, this bloodline embodies the archetype of covert assassins and operatives within vampire society. Crafted as spectral predators, they excel in stealth, infiltration, and precise lethality. Rejecting human guise, they flaunt their monstrous forms to evoke fear. Their shelters range from hidden caves to concealed alcoves and sewers - natural fortresses where they weave intricate webs of deception.
  Within the diverse Nosferus tapestry, numerous houses act as undead spymasters, collecting valuable information for trade. Seeking refuge underground, these vampires find solace in extensive cave systems and intricate sewers, fostering tightly-knit broods in these concealed urban enclaves. United by shared existence in these domains, they prioritize loyalty to their respective houses.   Unwavering loyalty ties Nosferus vampires through shared traits and a collective survival ethos. Benefitting from collaboration for sustenance and refuge, they adhere to a gerontocratic hierarchy. Eldest members guide the younger generation, contributing to survival initiatives, including construction and fortification to bolster their defenses.   Notably, the Nosferus bloodline excels in employing undead constructs as servile extensions. Over time, select houses have perfected crafting ghouls, ghasts, and eerie amalgamations. Expertly transmuting decay into compliant nocturnal minions, they solidify their position as unparalleled night maestros. Utilizing this expertise, they offer their eerie constructs to other bloodlines in exchange for coin or information, enhancing their influence.   Despite their unsettling appearance, Nosferus vampires engage in a complex interplay with the outside world, revealing layers of hidden humanity. Their secure subterranean abodes facilitate diplomatic connections with other vampire bloodlines, fostering alliances beyond the shadows.   Camillan Bloodline. The Camillan bloodline traces its lineage back to Eliza Camilla. Little is known of her origins, save for her role as a follower of the Blood Matron and the progenitor of a bloodline that would define vampiric influence for generations. The Camillans have honed their talents over the ages, embracing their vampiric nature while seamlessly integrating into the upper echelons of mortal societies, amassing wealth, influence, and control through a delicate dance of diplomacy and deception. Their charm and charisma enable them to bend the will of mortals to their desires, ensuring that their mortal puppets rise to positions of authority while the Camillans remain shrouded in secrecy.  
Behind their façade of opulent lifestyles, the Camillans are masters of blood magic and profane rituals. Their enchantments allow them to sway opinions, forge alliances, and orchestrate events that serve their hidden agendas. They pull strings that shape the destiny of entire societies and individuals alike, leaving their mark on history without ever revealing their true nature.   Behind closed doors, they embrace hedonism with fervor, indulging in opulent gatherings. These soirées blend luxury, excess, and the macabre, where sensual desires find unapologetic fulfillment, and taboos are shattered. These gatherings serve as both playgrounds and a means of securing mortal allies who are beguiled by the promise of power.   Among their most sinister secrets is their obsession with youth. The Camillans prize youthful blood above all else. They hoard the essence of youth, positioning themselves as the sole gatekeepers of the youngest blood within the vampire realm. To satisfy this insatiable thirst, they establish covert connections with human traffickers and Nosferus houses, orchestrating the abduction of innocent lives to quench their desires and acquire a steady supply of youthful blood, ensuring their dominion endures.   Within the intricate tapestry of vampire society, the Camillan Bloodline occupies an unparalleled role. Though some may underestimate them as mere manipulators, their influence is undeniable. They stand as the subtle orchestrators behind many historical events, neither grand enough to draw global attention nor minor enough to render their machinations inconsequential.   Malakai Bloodline. This lineage traces its origins to the fearsome progenitor vampire, Malakai the Bloodletter, a warlord infamous across ancient Nidea for his unquenchable bloodthirst. Rejecting notions of honor and chivalry, the Malakai vampires embody the archetype of vampiric black knights—warriors and warlords who command the respect of their kind through sheer strength, martial leadership.   Embracing their vampiric nature, the Malakai have melded their martial prowess with their newfound supernatural abilities, transforming themselves into living weapons of steel and fang. The embrace of vampirism has elevated their combat prowess, endowing them with enhanced strength, rapid healing, and an innate mastery of martial techniques.   At the heart of many Malakai houses are vampires who were once skilled fighters, knights, and paladins in their mortal lives, ensnared by the seductive charm of the Camillan nobles. These oathbreakers and black knights have forsaken their former ideals, embracing a darker path and channeling their martial might in service to the vampiric aristocracy.
  Central to the ethos of the Malakai bloodline is a willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve victory. Unburdened by constraints like honor or mercy, these vampires exhibit a cold and calculated ferocity on the battlefield. Their proficiency in dark arts augments their combat abilities, making them formidable opponents. Many Malakai warriors lead armies of both mortals and undead, using strategic brilliance to expand their dominion.   One pinnacle aspiration of a Malakai warrior is to attain the coveted rank of Blood Knight. These unique vampire warriors possess access to extensive blood magic, a potent sorcery that enhances their combat capabilities. While their grasp of blood magic may not rival that of the Camillans, their mastery over combat and strategy compensates with raw power. Blood Knights employ blood magic to augment their strength, heal their wounds, and manipulate their enemies' life force. This fusion of martial skill and profane power makes them formidable adversaries on the battlefield.   Bound by unbreakable oaths of loyalty and protection, Blood Knights serve as the vanguard of those Camillan nobles who bestowed them with their newfound power. Their allegiance is unwavering, reinforced by the potent blood magic that binds them to their masters. Though they may not adhere to traditional knightly virtues, their devotion to their benefactors is unshakeable, and they stand ready to lay down their lives to protect their benefactors and advance their bloodline's interests.

A Rebellious Few

Amidst vampiric society, some small factions depart from the customary outlook of regarding mortals as mere livestock. These individuals, few in number yet distinct in their perspective, wield their vampiric abilities with an uncommon intent: to enact positive change upon the world. To them, the vampiric affliction is not solely a curse, but a unique gift that can be harnessed for benevolence. Equally, there are those who ardently yearn to sever the shackles of vampirism, perceiving their condition as a curse that must be expunged. These voices of dissent, however, find themselves estranged and ostracized, both by their own vampiric kin and the mortal society they seek to protect. Their presence is an anomaly, feared by mortals and mistrusted by vampires, as the balance they strike threatens the established order.   A complex tapestry of responses weaves through these outliers. Some take up arms against the burgeoning influence of their vampiric brethren upon mortals, recognizing the potential danger posed by unchecked power. Others strive for a symbiotic coexistence with mortals, forsaking the consumption of human blood and instead hunting beasts while observing human society from the shadows. Yet, these virtuous intentions often falter in the face of the irrational fear and panic that the broader vampire reputation has sown among mortals. As a result, these unconventional vampires become denizens of the fringes, navigating the periphery of civilization, hiding their true nature, and attempting to find a tenuous equilibrium.

Vampires live as long as they have access to blood

The Ritual of the Black Sun

Entwined within hidden lore lies a fabled incantation concealed from the parchment of history, a spell whose existence breathes as a whispered secret. This ritual bears the name "The Ritual of the Black Sun," a name tinged with both reverence and trepidation.   Spoken of in hushed tones among the echelons of the vampire elite, it stands as a mystical riddle whose shadows cast doubt upon its very existence. With roots reaching back over five centuries, a resurgence of Vauldis during the tumultuous War of the Undying marked the sole recorded attempt to invoke this spell.   Among the ranks of vampire scholars, the ritual's whispered name alone ignites debates that reverberate through the corridors of ancient gothic libraries. Within these secretive circles, opinions are as diverse as the shades that shroud the night. Some dismiss this ritual as naught but fantasy. For them, the notion of harnessing such potent sorcery seems as distant as the moon itself.   Others believe the Ritual of the Black Sun is a conduit to the ultimate conquest, a gateway to ascendancy unbound by the confines of mortality. Envisioned as a grand culmination, a potent crescendo of power, it beckons those with the aspirations to contemplate its invocation. For them, the ritual is not a whisper in the wind but a clarion call.   The genesis of this tale reaches back to the War of the Undying—a fierce struggle that set the stage for the interplay between mortal and immortal, a cataclysmic clash that birthed legends of both valor and malevolence. Amidst this time in history, the ritual was attempted, but yet never truly completed. The Battle of Ruin's Peak, a pivotal moment within that war, proved both a stage for this mysterious ritual. Interrupted, the very knowledge of the ritual's workings was consigned to oblivion, lost with Vauldis, the very first lich himself.   The Ritual of the Black Sun stands as a luminous enigma, a tantalizing glimpse into what could be. The Ritual of the Black sun touches upon veins of fascination, fear, and curiosity, inextricably woven into the mythos of vampire culture.


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