The known world Malinis, Bride of the Frozen Ruin & Frost Kobolds

Malinis, Bride of the Frozen Ruin & Frost Kobolds

Disaster / Destruction

NC. 400 → NC. 450

Skorvyr, the capital city of the island nation of Vaskyr, is attacked by a massive ancient white dragon, freezing over the central Great Lodge. The Vaskarr fight the beast, driving it away from the city with their wyvern riders. They call his dragon Malinis, Bride of the Frozen Ruin.   Over the next five years, Malinis attacks Regniir, Margsmiir, Ysmoore, leaving a desolate, frozen wasteland in her wake, killing many hundreds. She gains a massive following of small, white, frostbitten Kobolds who follow and worshipped her wherever she went. They are an overwhelming force. A few of them are chosen by Malinis and imbued with elemental ice magic, growing 6-7ft tall. Collectively they call themselves the Jorskin Caste, also known as Frost Kobolds, lead by a small group of shamans who bend the elements of frost to their will.   Malinis journeys to Meyland and prowls the northern reaches near Ansmorth for a time, demanding her followers gather any riches they can. They attack settlements en masse and demand subjugation to the Bride herself.   Attacks continue, and Malinis continues to chill the hearts of all in her presence. Most are right to be terrified of her, seeing her demonstrations of power. Some wonder if she intentionally leaves survivors to recount terrified tales of her like some sort of nightmare.   She leads a massive assault on Farinholme which she takes as her lair and home. Elmshire, Kinston, Dunmeril, Ansmorth, Karin Muur bend the knee out of fear, but Duunhollow and the Hunter's Keep stand resolute.   Rathgar Whitefang, Lord of the Hunt, the Keep's founder and creator of Hunter's Oath stands in defiance of the ancient white dragon.   Rathgar seeks information on Malinis with the help of the Sapphire Assembly, and in a meeting with the High Council of the Mountain King, he suggests a plan of attack using the information he found.   Malinis is unusual for a white dragon, as she has a significant degree of intelligence to her. That and she possesses the gift of magic, able to absorb the elemental energy of ice.   The mages of the Assembly gather together a small team of dwarven arcanists and travel to Farinholme, using the night as cover. Upon their arrival, they lead an expedition into the belly of the frozen dwarven settlement with the help of the Keep.   They create a portal in the town's industrial district, as Farinholme is renowned for its massive forges. The rest of the attacking force comes through the portal as the forges are thawed by the arcanists, and with the expertise of dwarven blacksmiths and engineers, they are restarted, and the molten iron is imbued with their magical fire.   The molten sludge is redirected to the main chamber of Malinis herself, which gives them the edge they needed as the icy dragon reels, disoriented from the heat. Then the assault begins.   Many die in the battle, but Rathgar mounts the tyrant's spine and plunges his greatsword into the back of her skull, killing the beast. Her body plunges into the molten iron. The arcanists save Rathgar with a teleportation circle at the right moment.   Two weapons are forged from Malinis' body. The first is The Bolt of the Dragonslayer. The second is the Slayer's Blade, formed from dragon bone from the very tip of Malinis' tail and imbued with the power to steal the essence of a dragon's breath, rendering it harmless. Malinis is long dead, but her legacy still remains until this day. Her skull now sits within the main hall of Hunters Keep on full display.

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