The Known World

The Old Era

1 AE to 1000 AE (After Fall of Empire)

  • 460 AE

    Angelicism & the High Chalice

    Karthus' tribe begins to worship angels as divine gods. Great reverence and meaning is imbued into the golden chalice that Gabriel and Karthus drank from during their first meeting upon the mount. A winged, golden chalice becomes the symbol of the burgeoning new religion: Angelicism.   A number of priests are selected to spread the holy proclaimations of Gabriel. These priests will eventually become the central authority and seat of angelicist faith.

  • 480 AE

    Karthus is Proclaimed King of Balkwreath
    Political event

    Karthus is crowned the first king of the tribe of Balk. His village at the base of The Mount is granted the name 'Balkwreath'.

  • 910 AE

    Karthan Expansion
    Diplomatic action

    Over the centuries, Balkwreath has evolved into a sprawling metropolis of cathedrals and magnificent stone masonry and ornate gothic architecture. It has become a powerful, rising kingdom, establishing great trade networks with other island nations to the east: Arturus, Merth, and Trinnara.

  • 950 AE

    Karthan Expansion & the Dynasty of Three

    Kartha continues to trade with Arturus, Merth, and Trinnara, but all three nations begin to grow distrustful of Kartha it pushes its borders closer to their territory. They band together to form an alliance against encroaching Karthan influence. King Rhinus III of Merth, Queen Finala I of Artrus, and King Alfrith IV of Trinnara. They form the Dynasty of Three. With all three nations gathered for one common goal, their navies are a force to be reckoned with.   Part of their distrust lies with the overt religiosity of Karthan angelicism. Merthian, Arturan and Trinnaran kingdoms put their faith into the mortal heroes. Throughout many years all three of this alliance's fleets fight against Kartha’s ships

  • 970 AE

    King Jainus II Crowned King
    Political event

    Jainus II, long distant descendant of the Karthan family line, ascends the Karthan throne. Jainus is a fair ruler and looks upon the countless needless deaths from the wars with the Dynasty with despair, wishing to put an end to the conflict.

  • 975 AE

    King Jainus II Enters Negotiations with the Dynasty of Three
    Diplomatic action

    During his 25th birthday Jainus II ascends the Mount to seek guidance from Gabriel, who tells him to seek armistice with the Dynasty of Three in turn for their worship and newfound divine knowledge. He gives the young king a single piece of an astral shard to give to the three kings of the Dynasty. Convinced by this plan, Jainus sends a dove with the terms of ceasefire along with the astral fragment. The small shard marvels the three rulers, but the contract draws a wedge between them.   The power-hungry Rhinus wants to harness the power of the astral shard for himself to enhance the magical knowledge of his army’s relatively weak shamans and magi against the might of the Karthan sorcerers.   The patient Queen Finala wants an end to the fighting, but wants to retain her people's culture and heritage through peaceful means.   The stoic Alfrith sees no alternative to preserve his people's culture but through bloodshed, caring not for the complex machinations of magical trinkets.

  • 981 AE

    Artrus Joins Kartha
    Diplomatic action

    The negotiations between the Dynasty of Three turn sour and the kingdoms' alliance fractures. All three kingdoms go their separate ways, with Rhinus stealing the small crystal for his own use. It consumes him and he spends his last days tinkering with it in his alchemy halls and sorcery chambers. It drains his youth, driving him into madness and seclusion.   Queen Finala is the most open-minded of the three and returns a dove to King Jainus, agreeing to the terms of the armistice after becoming skeptical of her own faith and culture--she sees open rebellions in the other two Kingdoms she was once allied with and frequently sees the emerging brutalities of their ancient faiths and traditions. Jainus once again sends a letter to her asking to meet in person upon the shores of Kartha. Eventually, an agreement is made and the two Kingdoms become close allies. Rebellion is quelled in Artrus, and love blooms between the two monarchs.   Eventually, the two marry and the kinship between both nations is sealed. Seeing more stability in the Kingdom of Kartha, Finala’s homeland formally joins hands with Kartha and adopts Angelicism as Arturus’ official state religion.

  • 997 AE

    The Purge of Endsreach
    Military action

    With rebellion still raging in Merth and Trinnara, many begin to turn to Angelicism as a symbol of stability and order. Pilgrims from the two island nations return from the Mount with tales of graceful winged beings.   With both Merth and Trinnara weakened and in disarray, Kartha and Artrus gather their vast fleets and attack Merth from the north, laying siege to Endsreach as it burns with open rebellion.

The New Era

1000 AE (After Fall of Empire) to Present Day

  • 1003 AE

    Merth Joins Kartha
    Military action

    With the death of King Rhinus and his madness spreading to his sons and daughters, the monarchy and the authorities are in disarray. Crime overruns the island nation and anarchy is commonplace. Karthan soldiers pour from their many boats and march through the streets of the trade town, slaying the rapists, murderers and criminals that had taken its streets for their own.   Merth gives into the might of the Karthan onslaught and the nation surrenders. The promise of safety against anarchy outweighs their desire for sovereignty. They become the second nation to ally themselves with Kartha and adopt Angelicism

  • 1020 AE

    The Founding of the Commonwealth

    Angelicism spreads to all corners of the Midworld, becoming the state religion to most of the central island nations. With common religious values, a close pact form between Merth, Artrus and Kartha. This common association eventually came to be known as the Karthan Commonwealth.   Despite Trinnara adopting angelicism, it remains staunchly independant.

  • 1105 AE

    Royal Mage's Guild

    With official founding of the Commonwealth, motions are passed to create a central authority for the management of magical affairs throughout the Commonwealth's wider territories.   The Royal Mage's Guild finds its place of operations in the Dawnlight Cathedral, but there is some friction between the Royal Mage's Guild and the High Chalice

  • 1150 AE

    Crusading War
    Military action

  • 1352 AE

    The Sapphire Assembly

    The Sapphire Assembly is formed by Silurus Quael during an increase in usage of magical enchantments to enhance the limited technology that is available, particularly within dwarven societies. It is formed out of a necessity to organize, archive, alphabetize and study newfound magics within the nation of Meyland.

  • 1825 AE

    1875 AE

    The Alshamic Crusades
    Military action

    At the time, the border between Kinnea and Kitesh encompassed the tributaries of the Daji, the great life-giving river that flows through Kinnea. Kinnea itself was a wilderness of territory claimed by only bandits and hardened desert wanderers. It was the frontier for conquest. The goal of the crusades was to conquer the territory around Mt. Duniaji. The mountain's peak is considered the holiest place in the Alshamic faith, as it was there Kitesh, the founder of the Kiteshi Empire, was believed to have spoken to Alsham and recieved his blessing.   With the entirety of the mountain within Kitesh's borders, it was believed that the empire would enter a new era of enlightenment.   These lofty ambitions were halted when numerous Commonwealth and Trinnaran settlements were discovered in the Daj'ka Pass. According to Kiteshi religious scholars, building settlements so close to a holy site was considered an insult to the faith, as the mountain was to be kept clean of all civilization. Priests of Alsham handed down a divine edict to scorch the settlements with sunfire.   The crusaders gave a warning to the townspeople to leave before the burning of their homes, but under the bold leadership of their local Angelicist chaplains, the villagers refused and took up arms. The slaughter of the townsfolk started a conflict between the Kiteshi Empire and the Commonwealth that began as a territory dispute but eventually lead into a full-throated religious war.   The war lasted for approximately 50 years, with great losses on both sides.   According to Angelicist scholars, the Alshamic crusaders were barbarous, brutal and uncivilized. To Alshamic scholars, the Angelicist knights used underhanded tactics and were brutal as they pushed into Kiteshi territory, pillaging, burning and raping villages within the M'ganu Brush.   Here, the accounts of battles that took place become distorted of any semblance of truth and turn into pure propaganda. Commonwealth historians claim that the villages near Daj'ka Pass had been established long before the Kiteshi Empire held any claim to the land they were on. Kiteshi scholars despute this, claiming that the land around Mt. Duniaji had always been the empire's by divine right.   In the end, the Commonwealth were victorious in holding the border within the Daj'ka Pass. A treaty was signed between the two empires. The Commonwealth would be allowed to keep Kinnea, and in return, the Kiteshi Empire would be allowed to keep Mt. Duniaji within their borders.   Though the two empires are no longer actively at war, its soreness still lingers, and religious leaders of both Angelicist and Alshamic persuasion still quarrel over the land around Daj'ka Pass to this day.

  • 1825 AE

    1830 AE

    The Red Crew
    Gathering / Conference

    The Red Crew is formed from a small group of adventurers. They quickly become renowned heroes throughout the Dominion of Doubt.

  • 1850 AE

    Trinnara Joins the Karthan Commonwealth
    Diplomatic action

    Due to the bloodshed forced upon their citizens by the Alshamic Crusaders, Trinnara joins the Karthan Commonwealth.

  • 1950 AE

    2025 AE

    Pyronis & Obsidis, Magmourn's Scions
    Disaster / Destruction

    Pyronis and Obsidis, offspring of Magmourn, the Burning Dead, wreak havoc throughout the Dominion of Torment in Ragnarok and take the Impish settlement of Ashenveer as their home as its close proximity to the infernus pools gives them magical sustinence, owing to the cluster of leyline branches that lay deep beneath them.   The sisters aren't ordinary red dragons, for as they slumber in the pools, the radiant magical energies seep into their very being. They become saturated in elemental fire.   For 75 years scholars reason, debate and study the sisters. If the sisters have the gene to absorb leyline magic, then Magmourn does too.   With this knowledge at hand, a group of skilled mercenaries from Leviathan's Maw are hired--The Red Crew, of which Teemie Ul'Tymie is a member. They are renowned throughout the Dominion of Torment and have become heroes in their own right.   Pyronis, the first sister, is trapped and killed in an ingenious claw contraption designed by some of the then best siege-weapon engineers Torment's Ash Legion has to offer under the direction of Teemie Ul'Tymie.   Obsidis is pursued back into her lair in the infernus pools where the Red Crew do battle with her. They are victorious, but lose one of their own in the fight. Teemie's long-time friend and companion, Flixx Ul'Migg.   With Obsidis' death, a terrible roar of grief and anger rumbles up from beneath the earth which can only belong to Magmourn himself.   After the loss of her friend, Teemie leaves The Red Crew to attend to her studies and an effort is made to permanently seal the lair of Obsidis.

  • 1950 AE

    2052 AE

    High Golemancer Teemie Ul'Tymie
    Life, Education

    A young imp, Teemie Ul'Tymie, joins the Polymath College. She is a child prodigy, excelling through the ranks to eventually become an expert in Golemancy. She later develops a fascination with Draconic Arcanology as a burgeoning field of magical studies, becoming the world's foremost expert in the subject.

  • 1975 AE

    Draconic Arcanology
    Scientific achievement

    Draconic Arcanology, the study of the relations between certain types of dragons and the ley-lines, is established by the Polymath College from studying the effects leyline energy have on Pyronis and Obsidis.