Orcish Sleepstone

A sleepstone is a trinket made in orcish societies, most commonly by the orcish people who live in the Gods' Cradle Mountains between Sedia and Virias. A token traditionally made by a group to gift to a newborn baby, sleepstones are tied around a baby's neck or to their swaddling bundles to keep them relaxed and peaceful.  

Design and Creation

Sleepstones are made from a special hardened resin produced by Aresian polyphor trees. The resin produced by the rare, mountain trees has a very mild, relaxing property of magical origin. The property of the sap is much stronger when the sap is still liquid. However, the very gentle, muted effect of the hardened resin seems just enough to help soothe anxious babies.   The stones are usually carved by hand using antler or metal tools, and are almost always carved into the shape of an owl, the symbol of Ervian; nature god of balance, seasons and cycles. Ervian is an important figure to mountain orcs, and his guidance is thought to assist in babies meeting development milestones and regulating sleep/feeding cycles. The owl is considered a symbol of peace, harmony and mindfulness.   Where possible, the tokens are often inlaid with precious stones, metals or materials. Gold is common, as it is easily found in the mountains and easy to work with. Sunbleached bone and horn is often used, because of the bright contrast on the dark green resin. Moonstone is often used, because of its association with calmness and relaxation.      

Cultural significance

Often crafted by a grandmother of a baby, the gifting of sleepstones is often a very matrilineal act. They are rarely passed on generationally, and it is generally custom for a new sleepstone to be made as a gift for a baby, as a show of spending time and energy to celebrate the child's birth. They are usually kept by the child as they grow, and carried as a trinket and reminder of their childhood throughout their life.   The stone is usually hung on a leather necklace, occasionally it's sewn into clothing or swaddling materials. Often as the owner of the stone gets older in their childhood, it is placed inside their pillow or bedroll. Many adult orcs keep a small pouch with them to remind them of their family and of home as they travel, containing sleepstones, a lock of hair from their first haircut braided with the hair of their parents, and their shed deciduous tusks.
by spooktacular


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