Summer Camp Reading

Hiya everyone, I hope you've all had an exciting and inspiring Summer Camp!   This was my first Summer Camp! Though I've been on World Anvil for quite a few years, I was working full-time before this year and had not given it a second thought. As I've mentioned a couple of times, I had some massive life events come up through July and got only a fraction of what I had originally wanted to do completed, but having said that I'm very proud I stuck it out to at least achieve a Copper badge! I'm going to aim for higher next time, and I'm excited to sit back and read what everyone's created!  

My little shiny certificate!


Some Summer Camp Treasures!

I've spent the last two nights reading articles in a kinda random fashion, but I got through a lot! It was super inspiring to read the work everyone put in, and I'm incredibly pumped with ideas to fill my August with more worldbuilding.   Here are the first 10 of my favourite articles that stood out to me so far, in no particular order (though you might note I do LOVE reading species articles!). There'll probably be a LOT more!
  Time Knifed!

Sapphire Swallowtail



Watcher's Eye

Grasping Sedge




Where does this leave me now?

The D&D campaign that inspired my World Anvil world is coming to an end over the next 1-2 months, and I'm super excited to finish it off! 4 years in the works with the most amazing D&D party out there <3

After that though, I'll be taking a break from DMing while one of my players runs a campaign of his own, so I'll be focusing on more world expanding articles to prepare for my next game in a few years! I'm super excited, and Summer Camp came at just the right time to get things flowing and get me thinking about things! Expect to see me around little more this year!!


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