Texora Academy of the Arcane

Texora Academy of the Arcane, often simply known as "Texora", is a highly selective and prestigious arcane research academy in Virias. Built by wealthy academic Lyriandor Texora and opened in 7,110SA; it became famous over the centuries as it became known as having a much more expansive course range than its competitor, the Royal Isvamelle Arcanium. By 10,050SA, it was well established as the most desirable, expensive and prestigious arcane school in Virias, and continues to out-compete Isvamelle Arcanium today.




Texora was founded in 7,110SA by Lyriandor Texora, an aspiring Brisimeri academic born into a noble family with substantial wealth. His father, an astute businessman, continued his family's wealth in the sale of artwork and fine furniture; a trade Lyriandor despised. Lyriandor's interest in the magical sciences bored his father, and he was often dissuaded from persuing his interests. When his father died unexpectedly on a business trip, 49 year old Lyriandor inherited his family's immense wealth, and much to his siblings' disgust, chose to build a school. Through sheer luck and a few good connections, Texora went from a floundering dream of a rich young man to one of the Known World's most famous schools.  


Texora has gone through many changes as its scope has waxed and waned throughout the years, some controversial, some seen as overwhelming positive successes.  

Non-Brismeri inclusion

Texora has a persistent reputation for being a school for Brisimer people, and for being incredibly reluctant to take on those of other blood. This was certainly true only a few short centuries ago, the school publicly excluding those of "shorter potential"- favouring Brisimer and Astamer for their long lives and therefore, their vast potential for learning and success. Those that suited their desired characteristics were given generous scholarships and mentorship programs. Others with short lifespans (particularly humans and halflings) were generally denied a place in the school unless they had vast wealth to pay their way in, or had some particular penchant for greatness that "outweighed" their "short potential"   Since the mid 12,900s, the school has become more flexible in taking on a variety of students. In their 13,005 intake survey, of the 106 new students admitted, 39 were of non-brisimeri origin.  

Controversial Subjects

Texora is well known for its tendency to be more open toward arcane topics that are taboo or controversial. Over the years, Texora has embraced students of charm magic, haemomancy, chaos magic, chronomancy, and necromancy. It welcomes research and study into these taboo subjects so long as no laws are broken in the process, and has campaigned strongly for its researchers to have approval on controversial projects in the past. In 9930 SA, The Committee implemented a powerful and mandatory ethics board into its policy, a policy which cannot be revoked by future Chancellors.  


The university is run and overseen by The Committee. The Committee is made up of the Grand Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, The Head Professor, The Head of Sciences, and three student representatives. The head professor is chosen by vote by the university staff and teaching facilities, The Head of Sciences chosen by the researchers, and the student representatives chosen by student vote. The Chancellor is a position appointed by the Committee in the event that the previous steps down or passes away. The Vice-Chancellor fills in the position until a new Chancellor is chosen, who may or may not be the Vice-Chancellor.  


Texora is an entirely privately funded school, giving them a lot more flexibility in their study and research compared to the Royal Isvamelle Arcanium, which is publicly funded by Virias. Funds come mostly from donations, research payments and student tuition and lodging costs (which are particularly high). Another significant portion of funds is accumulated from investment, as well as the production of various magical instruments, alchemical concoctions and spells.

This article is a stub! It will be worked on further in future updates!

Educational, School/Academy


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