The Grand Sedian Postal Service

Often known by its abbreviation, the GSPS, the Grand Sedian Postal Service is the government-run postal service of Sedia. Once known as the Royal Sedian Postal Service (RSPS), its name and brand was changed following the Sedian Revolution.  


In Middle History and early into the Second Age, postal arrangements were usually organised between sender and receiver with a third-party delivery service, which was time-consuming, messy and often expensive. As larger settlements became more prevalent away from the Western population in Astrellos, Sedia set up Sedian Royal Postal Service. Owned and run by the crown using taxes from the lands across Sedia, initially, the service was mostly for information between the lords and landowners and the King or Queen, as well as a way to send taxation records and other important documents. Eventually, other higher-up families wanted to use the service for more civilian matters. At first, the post would be sent addressed in "care of" (c/o) a lord or landowner, and the landowner would then distribute the mail. Over a few hundred years, this system was expanded to include first wealthy families, then businesses, and later down the line it became possible for anyone with a registered home address to send and receive mail- for a price of course. During the Sovereignty, mail was still quite unaffordable for common folk to send, and carrier birds or private couriers were still commonly used.   Following the Sedian Revolution, the restructuring in government put the mail system into the light. For a short time, the new Sedian Government considered abolishing the mail system altogether, but chose against it when they realised a lack of easy mail service could reduce commerce and production in the already struggling financial climate. They instead rebranded the postal service, and began slowly reducing the price of sending mail, as well as improving business practices and organising the system to be more efficient. In 12,660 SA arcane letters were introduced as a premium service, and are still available (though now much more affordably) from most major cities and towns.   In modern times, GSPS is an almost self-funded service largely in-part to the advances in efficiency of airship mail carriers and arcane letters, as well as the improving cost of fluxfluid. The costs of sending letters usually cover themselves and the system, now better organised, brings in a steady profit for the government each year while being affordable to the common person.  


The primary service that GSPS covers in modern times is sending basic letters and arcane letters. While they do send packages, this area of their service is very small compared to their letter service. Arcane letters are sent from any post office, magically sent to a central arcane sorting device in lower Astrellos known as The GSPS Mailsorter, where they are redirected through an efficiently programmed teleportation.   



Travel worldwide, delivered through magical means instantly.Letters only. The sender must know the recipient's full name. DOB should be added where possible for extra security. Flat rate: 5GP  


  Main Cities: 3CP to send a letter, 1SP to send a parcel.   Express Air: 1GP to send a letter, 2GP to send a parcel.   Main Roads, via courier: 1SP to send a letter, 3SP to send a parcel.   Obscure Roads, via courier: 5SP to send a letter, 1GP to send a parcel.   Large Shipment: Anything larger than a shoebox. 1sp per day of travel. Must transportable by standard wagon.  


No airships are available due to the political climate   Main Roads, Major Cities, via courier: 5GP to send a letter, 7GP to send a parcel.   Obscure Roads, courier: 10GP to send a letter, 15GP to send a parcel.   Large shipment: Anything larger than a shoebox. 5GP per day of travel, +15GP export tariff. Must be considered safe and legal goods. Must transportable by standard wagon.  


  Air: 3GP to send a letter, 7GP to send a parcel.   Large shipment: Anything larger than a shoebox. 5GP per day of travel, +15GP export tariff. Must be considered safe and legal goods. Must transportable by standard wagon.


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