
Time, known by many other names and aliases across the Known World, is the personification of the power of time itself. Time is one of three "dieties" referred to as The Triad; almost incomprehensible yet repeatedly measurable sentiences that seem to embody the forces of Time, Space and Magic. While not gods or deities in the traditional sense, these powers appear to have their own rules that surpass the Gods themselves.        Alignment: True Neutral   Official Symbols: Hourglass   Other Symbolism: Clocks, watches, sand   Usual Gender Presentation, Pronouns: Genderless or masculine, it/its/he/him   Plane: N/A   Power Level: Force   Portfolio: Time   Domains: Fortune, forge, light      


Time is often personified in a masculine way, perhaps because of its personality. Time is known to be rigid and serious, often described as "stubborn." There are no miracles or exceptions when it comes to Time, and his rules and law are always final. Almost all communication with Time is in a response to a rule being bent or broken, an event that is always quickly and brutally corrected.


It is often thought that the collective sentience of Ei was split into remnants of thought and feeling in the creation of the universe, like a ghost or echo. These echos may be what gives The Triad their sentience and brought them into being. In interacting with mortals, The Triad repeatedly indicates that it is older than the Gods and the Universe.  


The Triad are not usually worshipped in the traditional ways of the other Gods. The Brotherhood of Three is a small, obscure church that worships The Triad, citing that surpassing the Gods and giving yourself up to the Triad themselves is the path to true enlightenment and happiness. There are only three known collectives of their people across the known World, two churches residing in Osmen and one in Sedia.    While the Triad are measurable and occasionally provide divined responses or actions, they act more as a binding force of nature and the universe, and do not respond to prayer or worship as the Gods do. Each being a font of universal power themselves, they have no need for worship and do not require belief to fuel their existence.


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