WorldEmber Prep 2024

Heyo everyone! Hope you're all as excited for WorldEmber and NovelEmber as I am! I'm planning on attempting both this year, and I'm feeling pretty positive at the moment.

Week 1: Pledge Your Goal


Choose your area of focus

  I've got stub articles for a lot of countries, races/species, cultures and societies in my world and it'll make linking information to other articles so much easier and less redundant if I commit to actually getting it done! I intend for these articles to be long and detailed, so it's a good goal for WorldEmber and I'm confident I'll hit my goal fairly easily. This will be fantastic motivation to actually get it done though!  

Create or update your meta

Thankfully I updated my world meta for Summer Camp and it's still more-or-less in-check! I actually imagine I might end up tweaking it again after I end up completing some of the WorldEmber articles I write, which will be extra useful!  
Good luck to everyone participating, and I look forward to reading all of your articles! <3


Progress: 0 / 10,000


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