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Elves are tall, slender humanoids. They have large eyes and angular but beautiful features. Males have little body hair, and very seldom sport facial hair. Their hair can be any color found in humanity, with golden and silver predominating. Elvish eyes are normally gold or blue, and their complexions are pale. Their clothing is flattering and finely made (usually from soft leather or strong silk), and very durable.   Unlike humans, elves claim to be one of the original peoples of the Known World, and many of their kingdoms and societies predate the arrival of humans on the continent.   Although many mighty heroes are of Elven stock, they are generally a peaceful, reclusive folk. They love beauty and nature, song and dance. Their remarkably long lifespans give them patience, and Elven craftsmen are unsurpassed. Everything they create, from mundane household utensils to the most powerful magical artifact, is remarkably beautiful and durable. It is a point of honor among the Elves to always behave with elegance and style.   Elves have a great love of nature, and will not allow any needless harm to befall animals or wild places. Elves will also protect innocent people from harm. Many ignorant Humans make the mistake of taking Elvish beauty and serenity as a sign of weakness — a dangerous misconception. When the need arises, Elves are mighty warriors.   Elves are an extremely magical race — almost every Elf will know at least a bit of magic. They are particularly fond of spells concerning nature.   Elvish was the first language, and most others are descended from it. Elvish is a soft, leisurely, polysyllabic tongue, as befits a near-immortal race. Elven names are lovely and musical, with at least three syllables each.   Elvish art and music easily surpasses that of all other known races. Their tradition is largely oral, and only scholars and nobles bother with literacy. Legends speak of Elven songs that are never sung in the presence of non-Elves, lest their sheer beauty kill a mortal outright.   Types of Elves in the Known World:   Wood Elves — a merry and carefree folk. They are the most numerous Elves and the friendliest to humans. Wood Elves are known for allying with humans after their arrival in the Known World and with them creating the modern kingdoms. They are great trackers and woodsmen.   Dún Elves — native to the deserts of Dún Meril. Dún Elves are known for being staunchly independent and protective of their kingdom and culture. They are known for their ability to work precious metals and stones.   STATS: Attributes: ST -1 [-10]; IQ +1 [20] Advantages: Appearance: Attractive [4]; Magery 1 [15];Perfect Balance [15]; Unaging [15] Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Live with elegance andstyle) [-10]; Sense of Duty (Nature) [-10] Skills: Public Speaking (Storytelling) IQ [1]; Savoir-Faire (Elven Society) IQ [1]
Genetic Descendants

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