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Ellyllon have ancient roots in the Known World, and in the Märchen Forest, they are often considered one of the "Creatures of the Old Forest."   The Ellyllon (singular: Ellyl) are tiny, winged humanoids standing between 5 and 7 inches tall. Weight is about 1 or 2 pounds. Their wings are translucent and colorful, configured like those of butterflies. Otherwise they appear exactly like slender, beautiful Humans. Their complexions are usually fair, as are their hair colors. They wear beautiful, minutely detailed costumes.   Though they look like fairies, the Ellyllon are mortal, material creatures. Ignorant Humans have taken to referring to them as "Pixies." It is a great insult to refer to an Ellyl as a Pixie to its face — the name properly belongs to a particularly ugly and obnoxious sort of supernatural creature. Ellyllon are proud, beautiful and mercurial. Contrary to popular belief, they are neither flighty nor mischievous. Humans tend to trivialize the Ellyllon because of their size and their resemblance to Faerie-folk — a sometimes deadly mistake. The most notable and universal facet of the Ellyllon personality is courtliness. They try to do everything with style and grace. Courtesy, formality and ostentation are all dear to the Ellyllon heart. Humans often find their exaggerated formality charming and amusing (though the wise keep their amusement to themselves).   Their moods shift rapidly. They can go from a pall of tragic gloom to a paroxysm of mirth in a moment. One thing all Ellyllon have in common is that they take themselves very seriously. A six-inch Ellyl will unhesitatingly challenge a Giant if he feels his honor is being questioned. Though always respectful to their hereditary leaders, they are fiercely independent and do not take orders well.   Ellyllon are great tricksters, but their tricks tend to be more bloody than mischievous. The height of Ellyllon humor might be to arrange for a Human to sit down on a cushion filled with Ellyllon spears. A larger individual should count himself lucky if he can walk away unscathed from an Ellyllon prank. Ellyllon are not as magical as the Goblins, but are more skillful than Humans. Ellyllon mages generally develop a few key spells to the point of mastery, then move on to a few more. This is because the tiny Ellyllon body cannot long sustain the strain of casting powerful spells unless the enchantments are known at a sufficient skill level to reduce the Fatigue cost considerably. Ellyllon favor Air, Illusion and Mind Control Spells.   Their arms of choice are thin, needle-like swords, spears, spear-throwers and bows. They are masters at envenoming their weapons with poisons designed to bring down larger foes and prey. Although remarkably tough and highly crafted, Ellyllon armor is so thin and light that it's slightly less effective than normal armor.   Ellyllon are exquisite craftsmen. Their greatest masterpieces are their clothes, which are brightly colored, fancifully detailed and extremely flattering. They are also great painters and carvers, though normal-sized folk often need magical or artificial vision aids to fully appreciate their art.   The Ellyllon's first language was Elvish, and some still speak that tongue. Most have adopted Human speech, such as Common. They tend to favor sonorous, "noble" sounding names of several syllables.   Most Ellyllon communities exist in isolated areas of forested woodlands, such as the Fae Follet community of Crookshank Bog, and are often found inhabiting rose-willow trees.   STATS:   Attributes: ST -8 [-80]; DX +3 [+60] Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 [4]; Acute Vision +3 [6]; Appearance: Handsome [12]; Extended Lifespan 1 (x2), royal only [2]; Flight (Winged, -25%) [30]; Night Vision +9 [9]; Ultrahearing [5] Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Courtliness) [-5]; Impulsiveness (12) [-10]; Vulnerability (Common: Crushing, x2 Damage) [-30] Skills: Aerobatics DX-2 [1]; Flight HT [2]; Savoir-Faire (Ellyllon) IQ [1]; Stealth DX [2]

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