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Giants are extremely large (9 to 30 feet tall) humanoids. Many are otherwise indistinguishable from humanity. However, they are a remarkably mutable race, and some individuals can be freakishly malformed. The limbs and features of some Giants are horribly twisted and their skin is covered with disfiguring warts and blemishes. Even more bizarre mutations are possible; Giants with two heads are quite common, as are Cyclops — Giants with only one large eye in the center of their forehead. Giants with four or more arms are known, as are Giants with hundreds of eyes all over their heads.   However, most Giants merely resemble robust Humans. They are always massively muscled, and they tend to be either remarkably hairy or completely hairless.   Giants usually wear clothes — anything from a few untanned pelts to a suit of armor.   Giants are a reclusive folk. Their reputations as ravening monsters is almost entirely undeserved. Giants acquired their bad name from a combination of a few renegades and a few unfortunates who offended or intruded upon a Giants. Mostly, the population reacts poorly to their sheer terrifying size. Most Giants live far in the wilderness — as far away as possible from the annoying swarms of smaller folk. When confronted with other races, most Giants will either bashfully retreat or angrily drive the intruders off. Of course, there are always a few anomalous individuals who like little folk, regarding them as either potential friends and companions, or as interesting and talkative "pets." There are legends of magic-using Giants, but most believe that the Giants completely lack the ability to cast spells. This does not appear to be due to a racial inability to understand magic, but simply due to a conspicuous absence of magical aptitude amongst the Giant population.   Their prowess as warriors, however, makes them a match for all but the greatest wizards. Most Giants fight with colossal swords, axes or clubs. A few — the most remote and primitive Giants will use a crudely-sharpened spear, often made from an entire tree. Giants usually wield their weapons two-handed, and only those with more than two arms will ever use a shield. They do not use ranged or throwing weapons, preferring instead to hurl great boulders down upon their enemies. Giants like to wear armor, but finding the raw materials and the craftsmen necessary to produce Giant.sized armor is impossible for all but the richest nobles. For this reason, a Giant will sometimes indenture himself to a patron for a period of time as a guard or mercenary, in exchange for food, arms and armor. This can easily match the cost of keeping a full company of heavy infantry, but in times of war, the Giant's services are often worth it.   Giants have no art or song of their own, but many love the small, pretty things produced by other races. They have no indigenous religion, though some have been converted to Human beliefs. They often have short, simple names taken from the closest Human tongue.   STATS: Small Giant [39] 7'-9' tall, 200-510 lbs Attributes: ST +5 (Size, -10%) [45] Secondary Characteristics: SM +1 Advantages: Damage Resistance +1 (Tough Skin, -40%) [3]

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