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Halflings are so named because they are about half the height of the average Human. Otherwise they look exactly like Humans. Halflings are typically plump, fair-skinned, round-cheeked and curly-haired, and can be easily mistaken for a Human child on first meeting. They rarely grow mustaches, and beards are almost unknown. Their demeanor is pleasant, and few are remarkably ugly or especially attractive. One unique feature of the Halflings is their broad, sturdy feet. They prefer to go barefoot, except in fierce weather or rough country. They wear simple but brightly-colored clothing according to the current Human fashions.   Halflings are a simple, cheerful folk. They prefer country life, but most large Human cities have a Halfling neighborhood. Most Halflings prefer to stay at home, with little love for any person, thing or circumstance that interferes with their peaceful routine. They love good food and beer, hot baths, songs and jokes — but they are quite willing to work hard to acquire these comforts.   Halflings are natural thieves and spies, with a gift for stealth equaled by few other races. Halflings like to have the earth firmly under their feet. They dislike boats intensely and seldom swim. They prefer their homes low to the ground and sprawling. Some of the best Halfling dwellings, in fact, are underground, carved into the side of a hill or embankment. When guesting with other races, Halflings prefer to sleep on the ground floor. Phobic fears of heights or open water are common.   Halflings are not magical. Magic Resistance is much more common than magical aptitude. Some Halflings do know a spell or two, but there are almost no professional Halfling wizards (although the race has produced a few notable magical healers).   They are unsuited to military service, and rarely enlist. When they are forced into service (either by rule or by circumstance) they usually form their own small, lightly armored units of bowmen and slingers. Halflings have keen senses and a great affinity for thrown and projectile weapons. Despite their distaste for violence, Halflings will courageously defend their homes, and the invasion of a Halfling community should not be lightly undertaken. Invaders will find themselves harassed by a sporadic but deadly accurate rain of arrows and stones from undetectable snipers. If these commando tactics aren't enough to demoralize and drive off an enemy, the local Halflings will merely slip away, a few at a time, to safer climes.   In every generation there are a few individuals dissatisfied with their placid life, who yearn for adventure. Such "odd eggs" are considered mad by their neighbors.   The original Halfling tongue is forgotten. They now speak whatever the local populace does. They all have a personal and a family name. First names are short and either meaningless or from nature (Star, Lily, Heather). Family names are usually meaningful in the local tongue, and are nature-oriented (Thorntree, Hilltop, Redapple). A few very old families have meaningless names that seem to come from the ancient Halfling speech (Maggo, Gilli, Kork).   Halflings are clever craftsmen. Most of the community's needs in the way of food, tools and comforts are produced locally. Their homes, clothing and crafts are often attractively decorated, but Halfling art seldom goes beyond that.   They love to sing. Halfling songs are very simple and tuneful, and usually either comic or sentimental. Some of them become extremely popular among Humans, and a few even amuse the Elves. All Halflings love jokes, particularly puns and pranks. They dance often.   Halflings are not very religious. They believe in higher powers, but they feel that as long as things are going well there's little reason for the Halflings and the Elder Spirits to bother one another. Likewise, they have little affinity for philosophy, though they are an excellent source of folk aphorisms.   STATS: Attributes: ST -2 [-20]; DX +1 [20]; HT +1 [10] Secondary Characteristics: Move -1 [-5]; SM -1 Advantages: Reputation +1 [5]; Silence 2 [10]; Talent: Thrown Weapon +2 [10] Disadvantages: Addiction (Tobacco), optional [-5]; Code of Honor (Hospitality) [-5]; Gluttony (9) [-7]; Dislikes Travel [-1] Talents: Thrown Weapon: Bolas, Innate Attack (Projectile), Sling, Throwing, Throwing Art, and Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace, Dart, Knife, Shuriken or Stick only). Reaction Bonus: Anyone who sees you throw. 5 points/level.

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