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Often described as "rough around the edges", Knurlag is an elf who was raised by dwarves. Not knowing his true name or lineage, he goes by 'Knurlag' which is the dwarven word for 'elf'. He likes to drink.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Looks like an elf, but a little rougher and dirtier. You might even say an elf that looks a bit dwarvish.

Body Features

Suprisingly in shape for how much he drinks.

Facial Features

Clean shaven, sharp ears and nose, green eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the days of the Great War long ago, the elves of the fertile north were under siege. Knowing that their death was imminent as they fled west into the frozen mountains, Knurlag's parents fashioned a clandestine vessel out of great elven fronds. In this vessel they placed their son, who was left to float as far down the river toward the forests of Maerchen as he could. Never reaching the elves of the Maerchan forest, he was found in an embankment by a group of dwarves near the mines of Gelderz. Knowing of the war far to the north, the dwarves begrudgingly kept him as his own. He was raised in dwarven fashion, not by a single familial union but rather by the society as a whole. Due to a general lack of dwarven creativeness and empathy, he was given the name 'Knurlag', which is the dwarven word for elf.   As Knurlag grew among the dwarves in the fields just outside the gold mines of Gelderz, he learned their languages (dwarven and common tongue) and many of their skills, such as prospecting and axe wielding. As he grew, he picked up the vices as well, pushing his body to out-drink his much larger peers at the local pub. Dwarves are not known for being friendly or particularly garrulous, and Knurlag did learn these tendencies, but is actively working to overcome them.   Many of Knurlag's skills and abilities are self-learned and not shared with his dwarven community. When he reached the age that he began to realize he was in fact an elf, he sought to learn more. Through many intense and sleepless nights studying in the restricted section of library, he learned the Elvish tongue and taught himself to tap into his elven grimoire. He is known among the drawves of Gelederz for his Dopplegaenger ability, much to their distaste ("that shape-shipting elven bastard!", etc).   As he started to become of age (~100 years old for elves of his kind), Knurlag decided he must leave the community of Gelderz and search for answers about his past. He caught a long ride into the city of Maerchen, where he unexpectedly befriended an elf and a halfling. His quest is to learn about his parents - who are they? do they yet live? - and himself - what is his true name? What would life have been like? These questions drive Knurlag to go forth and build loyalty to his party.


He's been to brothel or two. You tell me.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

A good beer

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

Greed, Alcoholism

Personality Quirks


Often described as "rough around the edges", Knurlag is an elf who was raised by dwarves. Not knowing his true name or lineage, he goes by 'Knurlag' which is the dwarven word for 'elf'. He likes to drink.

Current Location
Liang Chi
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Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Dwarvish, Common, Elvish

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