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Orcs are squat, hairy humanoids. They have broad noses, small, squinty eyes, and broad mouths dominated by enlarged canine teeth. Most Orcs stand about 5.5 feet tall. Their arms are long and powerful, their legs are bowed, and their hands and feet are broad and coarse. Their skin is often a greenish color with a leathery texture. Though not furred, their bodies are much hairier than the average Human's. Curiously, the hair on their head is sparse, short and wiry. Few Orcs have any sort of facial hair. Hair colors other than black are very rare.   Orcs are almost perfect survival machines — mean, tough and prolific. They can thrive almost anywhere, overwhelming and destroying anything that gets in their way. The only thing preventing the Orcs from taking over the world is their almost complete inability to cooperate with — or even tolerate — other races. Their vicious drive to dominate and destroy others is so overwhelming that potential victims will always be at maximum alert at the approach of Orcs.   Among their own kind, Orcs are highly social — they gather into large tribes and nations — but they're not particularly efficient or organized. Tribes are constantly expending time and energy warring with other tribes or squabbling for control of their own group.   Orcs believe that the universe is intrinsically hostile, and that the only thing an individual can do is grab as much as he can while he's alive and kill anything that tries to take it away from him. Many Orcs are pathologically paranoid. Orcs are fearless fighters; every adult Orc knows how to use weapons and usually goes armed. Possession of a sword or two-handed weapon is a sure sign of high standing among the Orcs. Likewise, only the most respected leaders and heroes own armor or shields.   Though not unknown, magic use is extremely rare among the Orcs. The only exceptions to this rule seem to be primitive tribal shaman.   Orcs have a deep hatred of beauty, and love to destroy or deface what other races consider beautiful. Nonetheless, they do have art — most notably the macabre and obscene carvings which decorate their homes and artifacts. They also have music — have strong voices, and their dark war-chants and work songs can produce lifelong nightmares for other races.   They are clever craftsmen, particularly in the construction of weapons, siege engines and implements of torture.   There was once an Orcish language, but only the most remote and isolated tribes still remember it. Most modern Orcs speak a debased form of the Human tongue. Orcish names are either a single, meaningless grunt or a descriptive nick-name. Orcs almost never learn to read.   STATS: Attributes: IQ -1 [-20]; HT +2 [20] Secondary Characteristics: HP +1 [2] Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 [4] Disadvantages: Appearance: Unattractive [-4]; Intolerance [-10]; Reputation -2 [-10] Skills: Brawling DX [1]   Half-Orc Attributes: IQ -1 [-20]; HT +1 [10] Secondary Characteristics: HP +1 [2] Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 [4] Disadvantages: Reputation -2 [-10] Skills: Brawling DX [1]

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