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"I'm ready Commander," D'Mique said entering, "packed and waiting."

"You've said your goodbyes?" he asked without looking around. She nodded as if he could see her. Part of her thought he could, part of her thought he just assumed she answered him. "And your form is signed?" he asked glancing up in time to catch her next nod. He sighed and smiled, "Then let's begin." He retrieved his travel pack from the floor and slung it over his narrow shoulders before striding out the door.

D'Mique followed him a slight smile on her face. "He walks and talks like a giant, as if all will bow before him, trembling in his wake," she thought. At less than five-and-a-half-feet tall he barely reached D'Mique's chest. He was smaller than all the men in the village and even smaller than some of the women.
"I think he's even short for an elf," she concluded. ~ Lady Warrior Mage of Man  
The elf, Commander Sylus, is bound to the Earth Master, Myrth. Using Myrth's borrowed power, Sylus becomes an Earthblade, making him a formidable swordsman. He is also adept at pattern magic, a strong mage in his own right. Short for an elf, his height disadvantage has left him with a no-nonsense, work and duty above all else, attitude in addition to a chip on his shoulder for anyone who would dare judge him by his size.   Although he is bound to Myrth and spends much of his time at Dragon Ridge, he is also a commander at the Academy in Olimidia and maintains an apartment there.

Character Portrait image: by Sherrie Bakelar Built with Portraitworks


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