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Curse of the bheur hag

Page 164 volos guide to monsters   The bheur hag lurks in the mountains, and during the winter plants horrifically selfish ideas into citizens heads, such as the market stall holders holding onto way too much food.   She becomes the route of evil actions over the winter months, and slaying her will end a lot of suffering for the citizens of cedarwood, but the deed will go unrewarded, but bargaining with the hag will gain an unstable ally bound to backstab when she gets bored, but will grant powerful magical items in the short term.           TWIST   When the Adventurers meet the hag she cackles and greets them as old friends as is disposed to help them, this is because when the party go back in time she is in a different form and can give advice to her younger self to help her gain the confidence to leave her coven and become independent. Time circles are awesome!

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