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Maintaining Cedarwood Independence

Following the disastrous series of emperors and councils following the fall of the draconic descendant system, the valley of Cedarwood took their fate into their own hands and broke free from the treaties holding the continent together. The continent was too weak to object, and thus the founding members, later becoming the foundation of the Bannermen of Cedarwood, declared neutrality in conflicts between outside powers, and in return requested to be neutral territory for armies and diplomats.

Plot points/Scenes

Background: The history of the continent is dominated by a series of overlords ruling many smaller areas of natural and cultural divide, with the central Cedarwood Valley being particularly distinct and difficult to administrate. Therefore, it was predictable that it would the first region to split during a time of opportunity.   Setup: The bannermen come forward as the dominant organisation within the region, and acted quickly to sure borders and influence within each region of Cedarwood, with light fortifications and patrols springing up around, to the irritation of several minor organisations. All but the overlord temple and hideouts are patrolled by militia troops and trained guard units, but the main concentration of force is based around the main city.   The fortification: In line with the seizing of Greenmetal Hamlet by the cult of the hanging tree, the high command of the Bannermen begin drafting plans to defend the valley from further incursions. They withdraw from the south-eastern part of the valley, and in the remaining villages and cities - trenches are dug, small watchtowers erected and woodworks completed. The amount and quality of the defences vary heavily depending on the commander of the region, as the Bannermen is currently onset by corruption, with officer commands purchased and supply money sent into administrative sinkholes.   The reforms: Depending on the actions of the party and the aggression of the various factions, reforms may be completed at any time.   The reclamation: Towards level 10, an army of the empire will attempt to reclaim the Cedarwood Valley with the help of any number of organisations, here the players will heavily influence the outcome of the region.
Plot type
Chapter: The Ideals of the Many

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