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Orgrann Windroamer

Captain of the Icebreaker (a.k.a. Captain Goldhair)

On the opposite side of the street, leaning up against the wall are a scruffy group of men. They look out of place in the mountains, as their boots, clothing and specialist gear indicate to you that they are seafarers. The ones closest to the tavern look relatively normal, with friendly smiles and ale in hand, yet the ones further back are clearly veterans of battle. Their weapons are fierce and seemingly sparking or glinting with arcane light. It is hard to tell who leads them, as if they were all equals, but the loudest is a half orc sitting further back on a stool.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and well built, Orgrann is fearsome to behold

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a village ravaged by an orc invasion, Orgrann put his orcish tendencies to the side and developed into a confident and competent sailor, running merchant convoys for a west coast trader. One day he was boarded by orcish pirates and recognised as one of their own after fighting off several at one time. He joined their band and sailed the coast, raiding and pillaging but sparing lives of those associated with his old home, as a mark of respect for his upbringing. Working up from floor scrubber to captain in under a decade, he is fearsome in combat, a competent sailor, loyal to those he holds close and a brilliant commander.


Educated in the ways of a sailor by his human family, educated in the ways of war by a powerful orc warrior.


Captain of his pirate vessel - the icebreaker

Personality Characteristics


To bring honour to his family and his crew

Scaly skin, blasted by sea wind for decades. A large rucksack with various interesting devices sticking out of the sides. A massive half-orc with dark green eyes and long black hair

Current Location
The Gnome Dungeon
View Character Profile
Current Location
Deep Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
The sea is a cruel mistress

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