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The Curse of Vermillion

A trip back in time through the fountain in the basement of the shrine of the bathhouse send the adventurers through the ethereal plane, fighting ghosts who will turn out to be the dead miners from the village. They are dressed in miners clothes and swing pickaxes and shovels but are stronger. The sky is moving backwards as they travel through time down a direct path connected by the hags. They return to Vermillion when the miners discover them in the bottom of a well and help them out before showing them around. The empire is still around, so is the mayor, the young captain silversmith, the barkeep and his wife, the stonemason and so forth. They find Vermillion bountiful with flowers and trees, with travelling merchants visiting due to the thriving silver trade. They can't affect anything as this is a snapshot of the day the meenlocks arrived, and anything that happens will not matter. The goal is to find the hag and slay her before she completes the ritual. She will manage to bring forward some monsters from the Feywild at various points, making every day different. This will go on ground hog day style until the witch is slain. The snapshot memory includes Maerin in it's old state, which is important as the stray mindflayer that creates the oblexes will be there and give information on their predicament.

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