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The Hanging of Maerin

Plot points/Scenes

Background   The cult of the hanging tree, a secretive organisation based around the restoring of traditional hierarchies, are aiming to increase their influence within Maerin for several key reasons. Firstly, to boost their numbers through recruitment. Secondly, to swindle resources from the treasury and armoury. Thirdly, to make contact with existing powers, they suspect maybe a devil or hag.   Their primary contact in Maerin is chancellor Wolfskin. He worked his way up very quickly and commands a lot of power and respect within Maerin.   They have a small group of rogues operating out of the the old warehouses. They initially set up as scouts but are slowly becoming more of a Mafia and straying from their commanders back at the hanging tree. Soon there will surely be a civil war between the loyalist faction and the separatist faction.   They operate small hideouts outside the city who scout, spy and gather intelligence on other factions such as the bannermen and the overlords.
Plot type
Multiple Chapters

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