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The Kin of Ethlywyn Skytamer

Driven into the hills by invaders, the kin formed a pact with the devil Levistus, bargaining for their survival and retribution on their foes. The foes are in turn cultists of Zariel, themselves having been driven off the (Huns/Mongols), and with no prospects bargaining with the devil for the combat expertise to find new lands.


Clayclaimer becomes claymore, from the creation of large doublehanded swords, where the harshness of the mountains require harsh decisive actions. For tighter passages, the claymore leads and crossbows are preferred for quick actions. Patrols are of seven men, a leader, a scout, three fighters, a ranger and an artificer,

Technological Level

Underground food production Camouflage Winches and mountaintop transport Low level tools


The mountain tops were first colonised by refugees fleeing invasion, fearing annihilation on racial and religious pretexts. Only the strong made the harsh climb, and fewer still survived the long nights and starvation. Thus, they chose of the old pantheon a god of strength and a god of improvisation. From these they find the resolve to make good the mountain, to farm harsh roots in what little soil tops the mountain, and to fight off incursions from stray animals. From innovation, they make do with what little they scavenge. Theirs is a culture of make-do, and the gods give them the cleverness to solve problems with less.

Agriculture & Industry

The caves of the mountain are slowly excavated, with steps and ladders carved into the rockface. A series of mirrors made from scrap metal polished to a fine shine, direct sunlight into indoor agriculture centres, with animal oil burned to optimise temperature, and small channels to move water through them, optimising humidity. Ores are dug from within and processed into rudimentaty tools and weapons, though with little knowledge of steel, they are of low quality. During times of scarcity, bronze is still used to fill in the gaps. Hunting over the mountains is highly ritualised to prevent overhunting. Contact with the outside world is limited, few enter their domain, and such trade is minimal. Caravans are as likely ambushed than accepted, the language has drifted too making conversation difficult, and the mountain men have little to offer. Such, barter is a way of life, without means to establish coinage.


A series of winches, cable cars and rudimentary ziplines between peaks and outcrop towers Carved stairs and ladders, internal and external
Geopolitical, Clan
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Legislative Body
The religious council of three elders, two priests and a soldier, chosen every decade, with only one term of office

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