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Karash Bruul

Karash Bruul (a.k.a. Spadone of the Sands)

Born of House Nasr in the Tribe of the Black Kite, Karash Bruul was raised in the ways of the Al-Badir. The desert nomads of Zakhara are known for worshipping the land closely, and abiding by the ebb and flow of the desert and its gifts. From a young age, Karash was taught the importance of tending to the Great Desert Mosque, holiest of sights to the Al-Badir. It was sometime during this tending of the Mosque, that he experienced a vision from the god, Najm the Adventurous. Najm showed Karash some of the splendors and curiosities of the world. Buried tombs, sprawling ancient libraries, vast riches, and technology beyond imagination. Najm believed Karash to be blessed by Fate; a fate that would lead to great discovery. Najm told him to go and seek the illusive Thri-Kreen. A bug people of the desert very in tune with psychic powers and abilities. They would be an intrinsic part of Karash's education and training in the ways of ancient Zakhara. At the ripe age of 15, Karash set out on his journey. Karash would spend the next two decades searching for these bug creatures. All the while he would explore every tomb, grave, and ruin, he stumbled across. Selling his skills to map out dungeons and the land more accurately than the maps of the time. Finally, after many years of searching, he was able to come into contact with a small settlement of the Thri-Kreen just outside of the Ruins of Rog'Osto. Karash learned about their culture and was taught how to better read, write, and deal with social situations by training his mind with the Kreen. He learned that though the Thri-Kreen possessed great mental capabilities they lived very brief lives. Usually only cresting the 30's with the oldest recorded Kreen living to 50. Karash also learned that much of the origin of the Thri-Kreen race is mired in strange parable describing a creator race who "placed them in the desert". This has piqued Karash's curiosity and he always is looking for information on his bug compatriots and this strange creator race... One of the Kreen of the settlement named Vramlex, grew an affinity to Karash. Vram became a teacher, in a way, of many things and traveled with the orc. Vramlex was always known to wear a brown adventure's Panama hat which he would later gifted to Karash. This would become a staple of Karash's look along with a long brown-leather trench coat that he keeps open with no undershirt and a very large greatsword. During their travels, Karash learned of a mythical fountain that could grant eternal life called the Waters of Shambalam. He made it his goal to find this for his friend and teacher But his clock is short as of 1367 only a year or two remains... While traveling in the Pearl Colonies with Vramlex, Karash was kidnapped and framed into service for an Amnian Naval Fleet, allegedly for stealing goods from the Trading Co. Racism is very common for foreigners (especially Amnians), that believe Orcs are just brutish muscle to be forced into work or savage beasts not capable of coherent thought. It was during this time in service that Karash met Nim Teirastra. A half-elf female who was native to Amn, however, did not share the biased views of the people who had captured Karash. She was foul-mouthed, very unladylike, and a sailor through and through, but perhaps that is why they grew attracted to each other. Karash served as a part of the Pearl Colony Fleet for several years solely because he had fallen in love with Nim. He nearly even forgot his previous goals of helping Vram and making discoveries in the name of Najm. Nim and Karash trained hard every day in greatsword (called Spadone in Amn) combat. This was because they had planned to use Nim's saved money from service, as well as her rank accommodation to redeploy to Chult. A dangerous jungle full of thunderlizards and snakemen, were only Spadone Brigades managed to map the jungles and come out alive. Mere months before they were able to begin their plan, however, the Pearl Colony Navy was drawn into a Trade War between the Pearl Colony Trading Co. and the Dambrath Banking Confederacy. A brutal and bloody set of battles on the sea ensued. During a night ambush from the Banking Confederacy's special military force, the Rouges of Opulence, Nim sacrificed her life to save Karash. Heart-broken and blaming himself Karash deserted mid-battle, stealing a dingy and rowing himself into the treacherous seas... Fate watching over him, Karash was able to wash back ashore the coasts of North Zakhara. Devastated, Karash cursed Najm allowed. The god once again appeared before him. Najm was not mad and in fact, pitied the Orc, but explained that this is Fate. Sometimes cruel and unclear but never for no reason. So Najm granted Karash the knowledge of a language that he referred to as the "Architect Script". A very foreign-looking language that Karash had never seen, but Najm guaranteed would be imperatively useful to the orc. Using his skills as an archeologist and trained militant, Karash donned his Amnian Greatsword and continued his quests of discovery across the deserts, in search of his master, the elusive fountain of eternal life and this strange Architect's Script.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A strong build; partially on account of being an orc, but also impart to years of military training and dangerous expeditions into tombs.

Body Features

He has many scars across his entire body. A proud mark of orcs, but also a reminder to him of his many grand adventures.

Facial Features

Strong jaw with a close-cut strap beard. The incisors on the lower jaw jut out of his mouth, and for an orc, his eyes are very green. To most other races, they appear dull or dark green, however.

Identifying Characteristics

If you were to see his back, there is a large tattoo in some strange script from top to bottom. This is Najm's blessing to Karash known as the Architect's Script.

Physical quirks

Strangely used his right hand as his dominant until he received Najm's Blessing. This made him left hand dominant.

Special abilities

Possesses the ability to read the Architect's Script

Apparel & Accessories

Usually found wearing a brown Panama hat and an open, long, brown-leather trench coat. Though he wears no shirt underneath and interchanges his trousers.

Specialized Equipment

Specialized in Amnian greatsword tactics, known as Spadone Arts, and archaeology.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Karash is an orc born into House Nasr's Black Kite Tribe. This was an Al-Badian House of West Zakhara, composed and run by mainly orcs. Contrary to many orc cultures across Al-Toril, the Black Kite Tribe worship the Gods of Zakhara and are well known to take care of The Desert Mosque. A holy mecca for many Al-Badian house tribes, located in the High Desert. Karash was raised to accept not only all the gods but all peoples from and foreign to Zakhara. His tribe prided itself in caring for the many peoples of Zakhara, weather they were nomads, travellers, or city folk.

Gender Identity

Identifies as male




Though Karash has no formal education, he trained his mind with the Thri-Kreen for several years. He learned how to read and write here. Eventually when Karash served in the Amnian Navy he also received some minor education on military tactics and Amnian language.


Currently a self-employed archaeologist, however previously served in the Pearl Colony Trading Co. Naval Fleet.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Known to have helped to map many tombs in the High Desert area.

Failures & Embarrassments

Losing his partner, Nim and deserting from the Amnian Navy shortly thereafter.

Mental Trauma

Lost what he believed to be his true love while serving in the Navy, causing him to have trouble desiring to forge new bonds as his life has gone on.

Intellectual Characteristics

Pious, Logical, Methodical

Morality & Philosophy

Like most Zakharans a firm believer in Fate and the Gods of Zakhara.


Extremely against the idea of flying (probably because he gets airsick)

Personality Characteristics


Motivated by the God Najm who blessed him, as well as his personal goal to find the Water of Shmbalam for his teacher Vramlex. It can be argued that perhaps a negative motivation comes in the form of his lost fiancee Nim, who motivates Karash to not make deep connections for fear of losing them.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvy at exploring tombs and mapping dungeons as well as Spadone Arts. These are a greatsword combat technique practiced by the Amnian Military. Inept at dealing with the hustle and bustle of city life and flying.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: eggs, his greatsword, mummies Dislikes: dwelling on the past, Amnians, flight

Vices & Personality flaws

Has delusions of Nim that can cause fits of erratic behavior. Despite it being majorly frowned upon by archaeologists, including his master Vramlex, Karash marks tombs he has explored with a graffiti in an ancient script.


Tends to be clean by standards of desert nomads, making use of dust and salt baths almost every day, though unhealthily drinks coffee so his breath is a different matter.


Contacts & Relations

House Nasr, Najm, Pearl Colony Naval Fleet (Defected)

Family Ties

Presumably, his mother and father are alive. They were when he left his home.

Religious Views

Follower of Najm

Social Aptitude

Socially adept, however not a huge fan of city life.



Wealth & Financial state

Whatever he carries with him is his wealth.

An archealogist orc, who was taught by the illusive Thri-Kreen. Al-Badian in decent and favored by the God of adventure Najm, Karash is destined to make great discovery.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Nuetral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Karash of the Black Kite, Spadone of the Sands
Date of Birth
17th of Riyah, 1323DR
West Zakhara
Current Residence
None (Nomadic)
Deep Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Leather
6ft 7in
Known Languages
Common, Orc, Amnian, Architect Script

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Ganam Sucks
1st of Riyah 1367DR

I have arrived in Ganam to sell the maps I just finished of the Furrowed Mountains. I'm very hungry, I hope somewhere sells eggs.   Never come to Ganam. The people here are the rudest I've met in all my travels of Zakhara. I couldn't even find anyone who would talk to me to buy breakfast!   Ganam sucks. The papyrus seller was the same as the rest of the town.   Some strange boys approached me. A scruffy-looking fellow who claims that a box talks to him, and a demon-kin. They are nice enough but nieve is written on their faces. I have agreed to guide them to Wasat while on my way to Huzuz for Kaeth Harvest.   While traveling the small red one, Bagheera found a map left at an old campsite. The map was clearly a stash marker but the quality to me seemed personal, more than valuable. I underestimated the demon though, he shows promise in seeking the treasures of the land.   He claims to work for a freelance trade guild but I'm curious as to who.   Gnoll pack sighted. Too far to tell which tribe. Attacked a PCTC caravan.   2nd of Riyah Another clear day. Najm, I hope you bless these small ones to make it out of my hair swiftly.   WHY AM I TRAVELING WITH THESE CHILDREN! WE WERE ALMOST KILLED BY A ROQ! A R-O-Q-! They must learn fast or they will die.   The scruffy one will definitely die first.   We arrived in Whistling Boulder Bazaar. I hope Dumil is here.


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