Wasat Settlement in The Land of Fate | World Anvil
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Located at the narrows of Suq Bay, Wasat lies on the major trade route linking Huzuz and Hiyal. Despite its key location, however, Wasat is a rather sleepy town, marked by none of the bustle of the great cities that flank it. The Middle City is but a quaint waystation for ships that travel along this golden trade route, and its residents are content with their position in the bay. The caliph has a modest number of courtiers, some of whom are out of favor in Huzuz or on the run from Hiyal. The caliph also maintains a reasonable harem, with a number of possible young heirs to his rule (ages 5 and under). An important member of the Caliph's Court is a newcomer, the great sorcerer Azuah al-Jawwaf. AlJawwaf arrived two years ago and took up residence in an abandoned monastery overlooking the town. He is a gaunt man with sharp features and fiery eyes. To pay fealty to the caliph, Azuah declared that he came to Wasak to retire from the hustle of the great cities. He also claimed that he wished only to conduct his research in peace. Azuah has given Caliph Haroun a magical ring, by which the caliph can summon him for magical advice. Haroun uses the ring sparingly, and usually sends written word to the old monastery of an upcoming appearance. Azuah, for his part, usually travels to the caliph's chambers using a telepon or dimension door spell, appearing in a puff of brilliant smoke. Another frequent visitor to the palace is Prince Tannous, the uncle of the Grand Caliph. Tannous talks long into the night with Haroun. Of late, Azuah has joined them. The subjects of these discussions are not known, but the very fact that this most influential man regularly confers with the local caliph greatly enhances Haroun's prestige. Most of Wasat's money steins from its business as a waystation for merchants, who stop only briefly. The city produces little in its own right beyond what it needs to feed and clothe itself. A court Rawun once called Wasat the Shining City because when the sun shines, the city's white-washed buildings reflect its light. Such days are rare, however. Usually, the city is shrouded in fog or a gray haze. Given the many stunning settlements in Zakhara, Wasat's beauty is seductive only when compared to the stinking cloud that surrounds Hiyal. The people of Wasat are neither lazy nor diligent, fanatical nor unholy. Their most notable aspect is a refusal to be surprised—regardless of the situation. Located between two of Zakhara's great cities, they seem to exist in a dreamlike and magical world. What does it matter if a flaming fountain should suddenly appear in the suq? As long as the goods (and the merchants) aren't scorched, it matters little to the nonchalant people of Wasat.


Caliph Haroun al-Raqqas, Blood of the First Caliph, is a bleary-eyed bureaucratic courtier. He traded his independence for a soft, secure position, and has come to regret it. The blood of the First Caliph does run in his body, though it is very thin. That blood, coupled with Haroun's quick wit, garnered him a posting in Wasat following the untimely (and apparently accidental) death of the previous caliph and his family.


roads, sewers, irrigation
Inhabitant Demonym

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