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The Land of Realms

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The Land of Realms, as it is very creatively dubbed, is the world in which my books and writings from Like a Bird and The Land of Fae is based. Each continent is separated by, obviously, seas. Very rarely, creatures of this world will cross seas and barriers and intermingle with each other. But, to most people, There's No Place Like Home.   The largest land in The Land of Realms is the Human Realm. Right smack center in the upper middle of the map, it experiences four seasons. There's a wide range of humans in a variety of physical characteristics. On Earth, we chalk up the physical characteristics to where people's ancestors originally came from--which is backed by science. In The Land of Realms, however, they cannot be explained in this way. They really can't be explained at all by anyone these days.   The next-largest land is the Demon Realm. Their continent is to the south of the Human Realm, on the equator. As expected, it is very warm there. The biggest visual difference between humans and demons is that demons have a recessive gene that gives them oddly-colored hair and eyes. There are also many more magical things demons can do that humans cannot.   The next largest land is to the west of both those continents, The Land of Fae. This is where all the magical creatures of legend--with the exception of demons--reside. Unicorns, Elves, Fairies, etc. Every creature in this land has magical abilities. The land ranges from both mild to extreme climates as it stretches from the top of the globe, past the equator, to the bottom.   The smallest continent is The Realm of the Divine. It is to the North-East of The Human Realm, and has the most magic use of the continents. It seems to function as a world of its own, with few visitors to or from it. Its weather is always perfect despite how far North it is, and all the greenery flourishes with or without rain (it's not really clear if it ever rains there).   If there are other lands south of the Demon Realm, no one in these continents are aware of them. The ocean is vast along there, and dangerous.   And that is a brief overview of The Land of Realms. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy perusing this world of mine :).

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