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Centrum is the center point of the sun king's faith. It is a multi-layered mountain city that is home to a variety of people from the lowly, begging for water outside its walls, to the chosen, living a privileged life in the upper rings. In ascending order they are.   The Outer Rim   The first is the largest level of the city and the most populated, this layer is populated of mostly peasants and individuals who are seeking shelter from the dangerous wastes. outlaws find themselves here when needing to stay away from the eyes of the sun king due to its less amount of guards. much crime, famine, disease, and a major lack of water can be found here, many people have to fend for themselves. The buildings here are crude tents or stone/wooden shacks. the outer rim has many homes, shops, taverns, and guilds but have very low currency, water, and supply. Most of the “magically touched” races are found here as they are looked down upon in higher levels. The outer rim has ghettos of different races for them to find their own kind and have familiarity within the city.
The Ghettos are sections of the outer rim that are primarily inhabited by it’s designated race, established by the kingdom for easier control over the populace and to emphasize segregation. Elven Ghetto - the elven ghetto is on the north west side of the outer rim, they normally live in large singular long houses as clans of families.   Gnomish Ghetto - the gnomish ghetto is a burrow of tunnels on the south east side of the outer rim. Non-savior dwarven-kin are also found here.   Halfling Ghetto - the halfling ghetto is strung up along the interior of the outer rim walls as hanging wooden shacks with rope bridges dangling in between them.   Draconic Ghetto - the draconic ghetto is on the east side of the outer rim, it is made up of clay huts and rough stone buildings. lizardfolk also are kept here.   Aarakokrian Ghetto - the aarakokrian ghetto is on the north side of the outer rim that has tall wooden towers and scaffolding, as flying within city walls is prohibited, they try to compensate and create nests high in the highest points in the city to try to live how they feel they should. I’m   The Horizon District   The second layer is the first sculpted layer of the city, showing a secondary smaller wall dividing the outer rim from the rest of Centrum, it is populated of mostly low income citizens that have the money to pay taxes and tithes to their god king. This layer is guarded more than the outer rim but is still loosely watched, the buildings are made of sculpted sandstone and petrified wood. You can find homes, taverns, shops and plazas full of citizens of Centrum here, it’s the 3rd largest layer of the city.   The Solar District   The 3rd district is the solar district. Nobles and the Sunkings ‘chosen’ (the offspring of the first 1,000 disciples of the king) can be found here. Constant and fervent worship of the king can be heard echoing all around in this district. This district is guarded by the military of centrum, the Sunguard. It’s heavily watched 24/7.   The Sacred District   The sacred district is where the majority of the religious organization is centered as well as their stores of power and knowledge. Priests, major churches, and temples dedicated to the worship and spread of the kings divine power. The Templar orders can be found here.   The Emerald District   The emerald district is where the farming for the city takes place. It is also the location of the entrance to the dwarven settlement within the mountain. although it is forbidden for any citizen of centrum to enter. This is the 2nd most fruitful crop harvesting area that centrum relies on to feed is ever growing populace, this is also the 2nd largest layer on centrum   The Divine District   The divine district is the second highest level where only high ranking members of the clergy can access. Centrums elite live here, people of significant power, fame, and wealth. This district can be seen as heaven on earth, massive gardens with greenery and bright flora with ever flowing water that quench any nobility that would pass by. it is said to be overflowing with opulence.   The Apex   The apex is said to be where the sun king resides, The Temple of Light. Only members of the solar assembly are permitted to access this area.  

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