Athena Goddess of War and Knowledge Character in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

Athena Goddess of War and Knowledge

Athena personally is an extremely attractive woman whose beauty radiates as the sun. Athena loves all mortals and spends much of her time watching their every day lives. She often sends direct help to followers who need her help. Any excuse is excuse enough to intervene. Many times her followers can be heard saying, “Don’t worry if anything happens my mistress will save me”. Athena is a Major god in Aklatora.

Divine Domains

Protection, Knowledge, Liberation, Glory, Law

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

Athena teaches her followers to defend the innocent, fight for liberty, and punish evil beings

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Protection of the innocence and destruction of evil intent.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athena's flesh is rather hard, her muscles as hard as stone, and this makes her especially tough in battle. As is common in archangels, Athena has 2 large wings attached to her back. Her wings have white feathers but, she does not show it most times unless in battle.

Apparel & Accessories

Athena wears an ancient-Greek-style helmet which covers up much of her hair. The helmet usually has the visor tilted up, such that Athena's face is exposed. Athena wears a thin white cloth sheet that is wrapped around her, underneath she wears partial plate armor, and she wears leather sandals, with straps that wrap around diagonally up her calves.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Violent Ares, that thing of fury, evil-wrought, that double-faced liar."- Athena, Iliad 5.699
Athena constantly argues with Ares, another god of war, as to who is the most powerful. Ares representing evil and Athena good, they both never stop fighting. Athena declared Ares an enemy of the church long ago and all church members work to bring the church of Ares to their bloody end. Tyr has stopped the two from coming to blows many times while in the Great Halls of Atlatora.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Good
Brown or Glowing White
Long Brunette
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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