Ismos a Twin God of Trickery and Theft Character in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

Ismos a Twin God of Trickery and Theft

(a.k.a. Master of Thieves)

Ismos is one of the Twin Gods of Trickery most often associated with thieves or those of otherwise ill-repute. The Sivian Thieves Guild has ties with Ismos. Known for his constant scheming, cool head, and oft-reserved biting comment he lost a significant portion of his power, to his twin Viros. This led Ismos to grow hatred his brother

Divine Domains


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ismos was a loner. However, before this, he had frequent alliances with Ares. If nothing else, their sizable hatred of Viros gave them common ground in addition to their history of working together.

Failures & Embarrassments

Ismos was tricked by his twin brother Viros when doing a wager casuing him to lose a great amount of his power.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Neutral Evil


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