The Kingdom of Yadimor Organization in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

The Kingdom of Yadimor

The Kingdom of Yadimor is a matriarchal society where the Queen holds the power instead of the King. The kingdom is ruled by a Queen and is advised by a Parliament which is made up of two parties, The House of Lords and The House of Commons. The House of Lords consist of the five lords who rule over Lutom, Mistview, Yarrin, Ozyrin, and Varis and their surrounding villages. The house of commons are elected representatives of the people and there sole purpose is to adress the problems of the common folk and prevent the lords and queen to gain too much power. The Parliament as a whole decide with the Queen which laws to make and pass.


  1. The Monarch
  2. The Parliament and Lords of Yadimor
  3. Military and Citizens

Public Agenda

The Queen of Yadimor has the best interest of her people. The people has some power to create laws by electing officials who work hand in hand with the Queen. The Queen has to also follow a set of rules that prevent her from gaining too much power and become an absolute monarch.


The Wide fields of Yadimor makes it perfect for horse riding. Yadimor main assets is its crops and horses. Crops vary from corn,wheat,potatoes,etc.


The third oldest kingdom of Volara formed shortly after Sivia and Yeven. The Kingdom of Yadimor was once an absolute monarchy and the monarch ruled the land with oppression. Its old capital used to be the city of Ozyrn. One day the Lord of Ravenndenn, Kristina Valiana rallied her troops and started her conquest towards Ozyrn which was the start of the Yadimorian Civil War. The lords from Lutom named Adeline Morvyre, and from Mistview named Ervin Benton joined her cause creating the Northern Conglomerate and the Lords of Varis and Yarrin sided with the king. For the next four years a bloody war ensued and the eventual fall of the king came to be when the Kingdom of Barcana aided the rebellion. After the war the Northern Lords along with Kristina made the Northern Decree which gives way for the creation of the Parliament and lords and limits the power of the monarch. Yadimor slowly became matriarchal

Demography and Population

The population of Yadimor mostly consist of Humans but, many elves and half elves reside in Yadimor due to the close proximity to the Sunset Isles.


In Yadimor there are two types of Military. There is the Queens army which the Queen has full control of and consist but not limited to Calvalry, Foot Soldiers, Knights, and a Royal Guards. The second type is referred to as the Lord's Army which is the military force that each lord of Yadimor controls. Yadimor has separate armies so that if the queen becomes corrupt it is the Lords duty to overthrow her.  

Queens Army

The Queens Knights is the bulk of the Queens Army and is fully voluntary. They go through a one year training regiment that involves sword fighting and various battle tactics.
The Queens Calvary is another branch of the Queens Army. They have to go through the same training regiment as the knights but, undergo extra training for horseback and lance combat and different types of Calvary forms 
The Queens Guard is the hardest position to get into due to the harsh training they have to undergo. The Queens Guard is considered to be the best warriors in Yadimor and has sworn their life and soul to protect the the Queen. The Queens Guard can be distinguished by their black armor which differs from the normal silver metal that the other knights are equipped with.

In the Queen we trust

Founding Date
832 CE
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
They used Copper, Silver, Gold coins
Legislative Body
The Queen and the Parliament
Judicial Body
The Lords of Yadimor and the Parliament
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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